Albert James Moriarty

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"Albert, I can help! I can serve tea. Or I could help Freddy in the garden. I could help Lou in the kitchen."
"(Y/n) that's enough." Albert responds calmly.
"I could-"
"I said enough!" Albert yells but quickly composes himself.
Everyone was shocked at the sudden outburst from the brunette.
The woman frowns and takes a step back.
Tears well in her eyes and Albert immediately regrets losing himself.
"I'm sorry." She whispers and runs away.
"Albert... She only wants to help." William comments quietly.
"You keep her locked away most of the time," Moran adds.
"The tea party must be a success, gentleman. She will only be a distraction." Albert turns to the group. "She will leave as planned."
William sighs but nods. "I will make the arrangements."

"Liam ya scoundrel. What brings you here?" Sherlock greets his friend.
"Good morning Sherlock. I'm sorry to show up out of the blue, but I have a favor to ask of you."
"A favor from me?"
The detective looks his friend up and down, trying to figure out before the blonde can say it.
William smiles and allows a few moments of silence.
"Nope. I've got nothing."
William manages a small laugh and curt nod. "I've come to ask you to entertain (Y/n) on Sunday. Take her anywhere, do anything for the day."
"(Y/n)? As in Albert's wife?"
"How did you know-"
"Know they're married? Well, when I was snooping in my brother's office I found the marriage certificate. I figured it was secret since no one else seems to know about it."

William sighs but nods. "We wish to keep their relationship out of the public eye. So please keep this information to yourself."
Sherlock was confused why but figured it was for the best. "As you wish Liam. Now about Sunday."
"Yes. She is a fiesty woman so I'm sure you'll have fun together." The professor manages a small laugh.
"She sounds lovely. But why isn't she allowed at the tea party? It is an event mostly for women. Or why not have her roam around town for the day by herself?"
William frowns and looks at his friend. "As far as everyone knows Albert is still a bachelor and most women will be coming to see him."
"I hear you're very popular amongst the females as well Liam."
This comment earns an eye roll.
"Yes well... Albert does not wish for (Y/n) to witness the women fawning over him, attempting to earn his fancy."
"Oh. I understand now. The poor woman. I would be furious to see my spouse being drooled over."

William nods solemnly. "So will you do this for me?"
"I guess, seeing as I have the day off. I'll make sure she has a splendid time."
"Will you give her the Adler treatment?" William teases.
"How did you know about that?" Sherlock inquires.
William smiles innocently. "Everyone saw you two shopping Sherlock. Word gets around."
"Ah yeah, I guess you've got a point."
Of course William couldn't tell him Bond told him about it.
"Thank you again Sherlock."
"You'll just owe me another Durham dinner."
William smiles at the alliteration then bows slightly and leaves.

"Mrs. Moriarty, I am here to accompany you today. Wherever you'd like; I'm your man." Sherlock bows and kisses her knuckles.
The woman's eyes widen. "How did-"
The detective puts his finger to his lips then winks.
(Y/n) looks at William then behind him.
Albert walks down the stairs and to her side. "Darling-"
Before he can say anything else his wife cuts him off.
She turns her back to him and takes Sherlock's hand. "I'm ready when you are Mr. Holmes."
"I love you." Albert calls as she walks to the carriage.
Her eyes widen and she pauses on the step.
She turns to him quickly. "What did you say?"
William smirks and looks at Sherlock.
The detective looks back and crosses his arms.

(Y/n) walks back to her husband and he kisses her knuckles.
"I love you darling." He repeats and stares into her eyes.
Tears brim her eyes again but she smiles.
He moves his thumb under her eye as the salty water runs down her cheek.
"I expect you to cuddle me tonight Mr. Moriarty. And a romantic dinner tomorrow."
"As you wish sweetheart."
(Y/n) sighs and walks back to the carriage.
"Liam, I can't make promises we'll be back by a decent time." Sherlock calls and waves to his friend.
"I'll send your brother to find you,"  Albert threatens.
A shiver runs down Sherlock's spine.

As the day goes on Sherlock could tell she was keeping something to herself.
"Are you gonna tell me what's bothering you?"
"You're the master detective; you figure it out." She snaps then quickly covers her mouth and looks at him. "I'm so sorry. That was uncalled for. Please forgive me."
Sherlock laughs and rubs his nape. "Liam was right about you. Fiesty for sure. I love it."
(Y/n) blushes and looks away.
"Does it have to do with your husband?"
"Are we playing 20 questions?"
"That's a yes then. May I be honest with you?"
"Please do."
"You strike me as the kind with a firm hand. Why didn't you just tell him you were staying at the manor? Whether you helped or just stayed in your room. I'm sure he wouldn't have refused."
"It's not my place to tell my husband what to do. If he wishes for me to remain a secret that's ok, as long as I know he's mine at the end of the day. If he wishes that I leave so I don't have to endure women fawning over him then I will enjoy my day with you. It's not everyday one can say they were treated by the world's greatest detective."

"Wait so you knew-"
"Knew why Albert kicked me out? Of course I knew. But that doesn't mean I couldn't have helped out as a maid. I offered my assistance and he scolded me, in front of everyone mind you. I couldn't help crying but I also wanted to slap him."
Sherlock chuckles and nods. "I can understand why. He has a very slappable face doesn't he?"
(Y/n) laughs as well and nods in agreement.

"I haven't thanked you yet. I'm sure this was a "favor" for William but I did have a nice time regardless. So thank you."
"You make it sounds so underhanded."
"Then invite me to lunch sometime and we'll call it even."
Sherlock crosses his arms. "I've already got plans with Liam. Why would I want lunch with you?"
(Y/n) stops walking and puts her hands on her hips. "Becuase if you don't then I'll tell my dear brother that you were the worst host and left me in a pub. And he'd believe me over you."
The detective's eyes widen in shock. "You little minx. Liam would never believe that story."
The woman smirks and crosses her arms. "Are you sure?"
This gave the man pause.

"Well this is goodbye Lock. I look forward to our lunch date." (Y/n) kisses his cheek then walks inside the manor.
Sherlock sighs and leaves.
The woman looks around but finds it silent.
In the parlor though she finds Bond and Fred asleep on the couch.
Moran and Patterson are drinking.
"Look who finally decided to come back home. Albert nearly sent a search party for you." Moran comments and holds up his glass.
Patterson just gives her a small smile and curt nod.
"Where is-"
"Already in bed. William, Jack and Albert retired for the night."
"Right. Good night then."

(Y/n) changes into a nightgown then lays down. She gets under the covers and immediately a warm arm wraps around her.
"I've missed you," Albert mumbles. His eyes are still closed but he manages to kiss her gently.
"I'm glad to be home."
"Did you have a nice time?"
"More than you I'm sure. Lock was a pleasant companion."
"Everything went smoothly. But now I just want to hold you close and never let go."
(Y/n) laughs softly then slowly stops and frowns.

"I'm sorry about this morning. I made you angry and you lost your composure because of it. I promise next-"
"Don't apologize darling. I should have explained things to you before and in private. Please forgive me."
(Y/n) cups his cheek gently and rubs it with her thumb. "I love you." She whispers then buries her face in his chest.
"I love you too darling." Albert kisses her head and holds her close. "Now get some rest."

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