Sherlock Holmes?

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(Y/n) laughs softly at something Sherlock says and he smiles softly.
"I never thought I'd meet a woman so genuinely interested in what I have to say."
"Well unlike other women I am open about my interests and my thirst for knowledge. I think that's why William and I get along so well."
"I feel the same. His intellect rivals mine so we can actually have a conversation."
"I may not be as smart as you two but I love learning so I enjoy your company."
"And I yours. I'm sure Liam feels the same."
"He has told me in the past."
"Oh no, look at the time. It's half past dinner time. Let me escort you home." Sherlock offers and helps (Y/n) stand from the couch.
"Don't be silly, Sherly. I'm a big girl. I can escort myself home just fine."
"Then goodnight (Y/n). I hope to see you again soon."
"I look forward to it."

William smiles softly as he checks his watch. "Out late again I see." He whispers to himself.
"Will, is she out with Sherlock again?" Albert asks, walking into the parlor.
"I very much detest Holmes." Louis adds, walking up next to his eldest brother.
"I don't see the harm in them conversing."
"I didn't at first either. But I think...I think they're getting too close, Will."
"Holmes is bound to figure something out if they keep seeing each other. And so often. One might think there was something more at play." Louis mumbles and looks away.
The middle brother frowns and looks at his lap.
Deep down he loved spending time with Sherlock and he was happy (Y/n) could do it in his place. But he also knew things could go wrong.
(Y/n) could let something slip, or Sherlock could inquire about something and then he would get suspicious(or at least more so).
This begged the question, how to fix the issue.

(Y/n) laughs happily as she enters the manor and goes into the parlor.
The three men turn to her and her bright smile disappears.
"Something's wrong. What's happened?" She asks, walking over to them.
"Did you have fun with Mr. Holmes?" William inquires and stands up.
"Yes, of course. He is splendid company."
Albert frowns and looks at his brother.
The woman looks between the three. "Am I in the wrong for seeing him?"
"(Y/n) I think you're getting too close, too entangled." Albert finally confesses.
"Holmes is a danger to our goal. We must keep him off our tracks as much as possible." Louis joins in.

Tears well in the woman's eyes but they don't fall.
She turns to William. "Are you asking me to stop seeing him?"
William's frown deepens and he looks away, unable to handle her defeated expression.
The silence is awful.
Finally she nods slowly and talks a couple steps backwards.
"As you wish. For the Moriarty plan I will stake my life. And if you so wish it, I will no longer associate with Sherlock Holmes."
Before any of the brothers can speak up (Y/n) bows then leaves.
Finally her tears stream down her cheeks, quickly and they blur her vision.

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