William James Moriarty

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"I saved your life! I think I deserve-"
"I didn't ask you to save me."
(Y/n) takes a step back, surprised.
The blonde frowns and looks away quickly. "You should've let me die."
"You don't mean that. You have plans and goals and... And you're supposed to cleanse this world."
"You're right. I have Louis and Albert to think about now. I have to purify this world for them."
"So why-"
"Because I don't want to die. I'm sure when the time comes I will be glad to sacrifice myself. But when you... when you saved me I was ready. You put hope back into my life that I didn't want. I needed to be willing to die and you took that from me."

(Y/n) slaps him as tears stream down her cheek quickly.
William remains quiet as his gaze turns down and his bangs cover his eyes.
"You are a selfish, blind child. I saved you because I love you. You say you wanted to die but you'd have left Lou behind to fend for himself? A sick child on the streets is as good as dead."
"I know that! At least Albert could have taken him in and made him better. They could be happy right now."
"No he wouldn't! Louis loves you more than anything William. He needs you."
"He doesn't need me anymore. He has everyone, he has you."
"That's not the same William and you know it. You are flesh and blood. He cherishes you more deeply than you realize."

"Don't talk to me about my brother. I know him better than anyone."
"If you did, you wouldn't be so selfish. Taking the weight of our sins by yourself and dying is..."
She couldn't finish her sentence due to the tears choking her.
Her vision is blurry as well.
William looks at her and goes to wipe her cheeks.
Once again she slaps his hand away.
"If you go to that bridge I will never forgive you."
"I'm sorry, but that's one thing I'm ok with. I deserve your hatred I will admit. And now that I owe you my life I'm selfishly taking it. But I decided when you saved me that I would carry the burden myself. The Lord of Crime must die."

(Y/n) manages a weak scoff. "Fine."
"You do deserve better (Y/n). You deserve so much. But I can't give you any of it. Albert or Louis maybe, but not me."
"You don't understand how love works do you?"
"I understand quite well but I've never experienced it for myself."
"Not even for me?"
"Ours is a different kind of love."
"Ours is not a romantic love."
"It's not?"
"No. It's a convenient love. I'm here and you're here and we are here for each other. When I'm gone you'll move on and be happy."

(Y/n) sits on the windowsill and looks out at the greenhouse.
"I didn't ask you to save me and I resent you for it everyday. But I would never ask you to go back and change anything."
"I've placed the burden on you and it's a heavy cross to bear. I know that. I'm sorry."
"I care about you deeply (Y/n). I just hope when the time comes and I do fall from that bridge, you are there to watch."
"I won't."
"Then I will stay alive and haunt you down."
This makes the woman laugh. "It's a deal."

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