L Lawliet

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(Y/n) hums softly as she makes another strawberry cake.
It seems to be popular with the customers.
Especially one in particular.
He has black hair, dark eyes and always sits in the corner.
His posture is unusual and he normally chews on his thumb nail in concentration.
She began to notice him coming in more and more recently. Of course she doesn't mind though.
If people enjoy what she makes all the better.

Today was just a normal day and per usual the man comes in and sits in his usual spot.
(Yn) smiles and brings out the already made cake.
This time it has extra strawberries.
"For as often as you come in you've never told me your name." She greets and sets the cake down.
"It's L."
"Just L?"
"That's cool. You should tell me your secret though."
He looks at her confused. "What secret?"
"How do you not gain weight after eating my cake so often?"
"By using my brain and sitting like this."

(Y/n) looks him over then sits across from him. "Like this?"
"Yeah. Since I'm a detective I use my brain a lot so it helps me maintain my weight."
"Detective? That's also cool. Are you like Sherlock and think backwards? Or um...analytically?"
"I do. Effects will reveal their cause if I concentrate enough."
"I wish I was smart enough to do that. Unfortunately that is why I stick to cake and other sweets."
"I like your cakes. They're always delicious."
"Well I'm so happy to hear that."

After a moment (Y/n) stands and stretches.
"I guess I should get back to work. Maybe we can hangout when you're not busy."
L is taken off guard by the sudden offer. He's never 'hung out' before.
The woman laughs softly as she watches his gears turn. "If that's a no it's ok too."
"No, I would... I would be open to the idea. I know another place that sells sweets I used to frequent before I found your place."
"That sounds fun. I have off on Thursdays if that works for you."
"Next Thursday works for me."  L confirms then takes another bite.
(Y/n) smiles and goes back to working.
L watches her leave then smiles softly at his plate. "I think I'm falling for you." He whispers and keeps eating his cake.

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