Moran and Bond

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(Y/n) looks at her boyfriend interacting with Bond.
Moran smirks at the blonde.
She knew about Bond being Irene. This made her wonder what a night with the two would be like.
A deep blush paints her cheeks and she looks away.
She didn't want to let her bi-curiousity show around James.
Sebastian glances at his girlfriend and notices her blush. "Hey babe can you come here a moment?"
(Y/n) walks over and wraps her arm around his waist.
Moran wraps his arm around her shoulders then kisses her neck.

Bond looks at the couple.
"Do you have something to ask Bond and I?"
(Y/n) looks at her boyfriend quickly. "What?"
Bond walks over and lifts her chin with his finger. "Moran and I have been talking."
"About what?" (Y/n) asks nervously.
"I asked Bond to join us for some fun tonight."
"I agreed because Moran still recognizes me as the man named James but also because I know you want to try a woman's body."
(Y/n) blushes deeply and looks away. "Don't be ridiculous! I-I'm a lady. I don't...I have Sebastian. Why would I..."
Her continuous trailing off confirmed Moran and Bond's suspicions.

"Babe, you don't have to hide your desires. Bond has agreed and neither of us will tell anyone. You're curious, so what. Plus it's not like this is my first rodeo."
Bond elbows the colonel. "A lady never wants to hear of her man's past lovers."
(Y/n) is still trying to process the offer and looks between the two.
"You don't have to be nervous (Y/n). We'll make sure this is pleasant. Right Bond?"
The said blonde smiles and nods. "Yes, of course."
Finally the woman looks at her boyfriend. "You're not upset that I'm bisexual?"
"Nah. Now if you wanted to add another man into our fun time I might-"

Bond clears his throat.
"You know what I mean." Moran grumbles then looks back at his girlfriend. "I might have a bit of an issue. But since you wanted another woman I'm more ok."
"Well, adding another man wouldn't have shown my bi side. That's just polygamy. Which I'm not fully into."
"Perfect." James kisses (Y/n)'s knuckles. "And since we have the manor to ourselves tonight this is perfect timing."
"Just us here? Won't the others be home for dinner?"
"Nah. They're in Durham for a mission. I asked William if Bond and I could have the night off."
"Will agreed if we promised to be there by tomorrow night." James adds and smirks.
"So we have tonight and tomorrow to ourselves. That's so embarrassing."

Moran lifts his partner and throws her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
The woman looks at the blonde in front of her.
"You're so cute." James compliments and kisses her nose.
"Should I still call you James?" (Y/n) asks as they ascend the stairs.
"Sure, but I will not fault you if you slip and call me Irene."
"Oh but if I do it I get-"
"Moran, you will ruin the mood if you keep talking." Bond cuts off the raven haired man.
(Y/n) giggles but gasps when her boyfriend throws her on his bed.

As the night passes (Y/n) is overwhelmed by pleasure and embarrassment.
All three enjoyed their time.
The woman realized she liked being with a woman but preferred her boyfriend.
Moran and Bond use her body and even made a little game out of the experience.
Who could make her release first.
To Moran's horror, James won.
"I know how to work a woman's body, Moran."
"She's my girlfriend. Obviously I should know her body better than anyone."
(Y/n) couldn't help feeling amused by them. "I'm just proud that I made you both release first."
"I still can't believe that." Sebastian grumbles quietly.

(Y/n) lays in between the two.
Sebastian let's (Y/n) lay her head on his arm and Bond lays his head on his hand.
James wraps his arm around her waist from behind.
Their bodies all tangle together.
None of them bother with a blanket.
They stay together until around midday.
(Y/n) wakes up first and takes a bath. When she gets out of the bathroom she finds the bed empty.
Moran kisses her temple gently. "We gotta go. If you need anything just send a telegram."
"Thanks for last night (Y/n)." James whispers in her ear before kissing her knuckles.
"Thank you both. It meant a lot to me. I think I understand myself better too."
"Perfect. See you soon babe." Moran kisses his girlfriend before leaving with Bond.
(Y/n) smiles and watches them leave.

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