Mutsumi Asuma

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The kindest man you will ever meet.
Did you know he could be sexy af?
I just learned, first hand if you know what I mean.

He grabbed my hand quickly. "I know where you can hide."
The men that were chasing me were breathing heavily and slowing down.
That gave us a chance to escape and hide in a janitor's closet.
"What happened?" He asks softly.
My face was against his chest.
The closet was small and there wasn't much space to move around.
"I was walking down the hall putting up flyers for the history club when they came up. I noticed they weren't from here so I tried to leave. They wouldn't let me go so I kicked the head guy in the balls and ran away." I explain.
He hugs me and pets my hair.
I smile and hug back.

He hums softly and I accidentally move forward, rubbing my breasts against his stomach.
I blush deeply and try to pull away. Then I felt something hard against my private area.
There was only light shining from the crack on the bottom of the door.
He cups my cheek with his soft hand. "I love you." He says firmly.
This is so unlike him.

Then I felt his soft lips on mine.
The kiss became heated and his hands were roaming my hips and stomach.
I couldn't believe this was happening.
His tongue slips into my mouth then begins exploring and massaging mine.
I moan softly. I wanted to put my fingers in his hair but he was too tall and my arms are too short.
His hands travel down and lifts me up.
I wrap my legs around his waist and he squeezes my butt. I gasp softly and he smirks.

One by one our clothes ended up on the shelf near us.
I felt his hard member rubbing against me and I moan softly.
"I hope this won't hurt too much." He comments then sheaths himself fully into me.
I cry out in pain and bite into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry," he whispers in my ear. He licks the shell of my ear and massages my breasts at the same time.
I moan and suddenly bounce on his lap.
He took that as a sign to move. He began moving in and out of my tight entrance.
I moan every few seconds.
He felt so perfect inside me.
It's like the fantasy I never had is coming true.

My name exits his perfect lips multiple times and he buries his head in my hair.
I tangle my fingers in his hair and tug.
He moans and tips his head back.
I attack his neck and his sweet spot.
This causes him to moan louder.
I was drowning in pleasure by now and I never wanted it to stop.
He seemed to feel the same way.
When he hits that special spot inside me it sent me over the edge.
I cum all over his member and his hot seed fills me completely.
We moan each other's name in ecstasy and breathe heavily.

He slowly pulls out and we both groan at the loss of heat.
I set my feet on the ground and grab my phone. I turn on the flashlight and grab tissues that were on another shelf.
We clean up and get dressed.
He takes my hand and kisses me softly. "You're mine now, right?"
I nod smiling. "No one else's."
We walk out and head to my house.
He met my mom and dad right away.
My brother came home right before dinner.
Everyone seemed to get along really well.
I was really happy.
The large smile on his face told me, he was just as happy.

//OMG this one is so old. I had so much editing to do on it 😅 I hope it's ok at least. Short and simple, maybe a bit OOC. I'm moving a lot of my work to this One Shot book so I don't have a million single chapter stories on my account. Losing lots of views, some votes and comments but 🤷🏻‍♀️ it is what it is.
Don't forget I'm always open for requests. Just dm me or comment, either is ok.
Much love ❤️‍🔥

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