Albert and William Moriarty

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"He will use us just as we've used him."
"I will give you my wealth and privilege to obtain your goals."
"Will, why don't you go."
"Are you sure brother?"
"Of course. You two deserve some time off." Albert laughs softly and sips his tea.
The two blondes look at each other and smile.
"It's settled then. Thank you brother."

"William, do you rely on Albert's permission?" Louis asks one day.
"For a lot of things, yes. He is our eldest brother and it's only because of him that we can achieve our goals. I feel it is only right."
"Doesn't he feel indebted to you as well?"
"I reckon he does. But he doesn't necessarily have to. I don't feel he owes us anything anymore."
"And it is because of that reason that I allow you to do anything necessary for our cause." Albert interrupts, walking into the room.

"Brother! I was not expecting you home today."
"Well I have no other duties for a while and I thought it would be nice for you to take a trip out on the town. People will start to worry if we only go to work then come home. The people must see us stroll around once in a while."
"I guess you're right. But I have-"
"Not today Will. Louis and I will keep busy here with something I've got planned later."
The older blonde sighs but smiles. "As you wish."
Albert laughs softly and pats his shoulder.

William does as told, taking a carriage into town and comes across a woman singing in the square.
Most of the people are mesmerized by her voice or beauty but what caught William's attention was the words she sung.
They're in Latin and if the citizens knew of what she spoke they would not be so happy nor content to listen.
He smiles and walks over.
Her eyes took glances at him but did not hold for long.

"Lilia crescente de trivio nascentia. Lilia alba magna et valida. Ad multorum corda peruenient. Candida lilia mutabunt mundum."
(Y/n) sings softly and finishes with a bow.
Plenty of people throw money into her can but as the crowd disperses William remains.
"Quod erat pulchrum carmen." William greets and smiles.
(Y/n) looks at him quickly as she grabs her full can. "My lord!"
"Your Latin is fluent and quite beautiful. White lilies growing from the gutter. I rather agree with the sentiment."
"Do you really believe anything from the gutter could possibly reach their hearts or change the world?"
"I do."
(Y/n) talks a step back. "Wait... truly?"
"Yes. Would you care for a cup of tea?" William asks and smiles softly.

By the end of the day, and the sun is setting, William finally enters the manor.
"Welcome back home brother." Louis is the first to greet.
"I didn't think you would be gone so long. But I hope you had fun." Albert adds and smiles.
The said man smiles softly and looks at the ground. "I did."
"Something happened in town didn't it?" Albert inquires.
"Did something happen?" Louis asks, looking at his brother quickly.
"I met a woman who thinks similar to me."
"A woman?" The two respond in unison.

William looks at his brothers. "You sound as if you've never thought about the opposite sex."
"I haven't." Louis responds quickly.
"Will, we all agreed it would be best to remain single. Bringing in a woman would be hazardous to our goals."
"Would it?" William debates and thinks about the idea. "Wouldn't everyone be suspicious if all of us remained bachelors? Ideally it would be Louis since you and I carry the most favor with women but-"
"William, if you and this new woman would remain acquaintances or friends I would allow it, but a romantic partner is out of the question."

Both blonde men look at the brunette taken aback.
This was the first time Albert has ever expressed his displeasure for something William has said or done.
"If you still honor my position as head of this family you will continue to value my opinion. We must keep our focus on your cause William. I care deeply for you and this will only cause trouble in the future. You will come to understand that."
The two watch Albert leave then Louis looks at his brother sadly.
"I'm sorry brother. But he is right. Bringing someone from the outside in would be dangerous. Either you keep them out of the loop and lie about the Lord of Crime or risk telling her and... if she has to be eliminated could you do it?"

William remains silent as his mind races.
"Plus if you remain single women will still flock to you in hopes for your favor. Wouldn't that work out for the best?"
(Y/n)'s smile makes William's heart clench.
Can I risk that? Could I kill her if she tried to expose us now? But if she was a part of the cause, could I drag her to hell with the rest of us? This is a bad idea, I know that. But I...
"William, if I could rise out of the gutter like those lilies I would hope you could make me strong and help me reach those hearts so we can change the world."
(Y/n)'s tears streamed down her cheeks as she spoke.
Those were the last words she spoke before they parted.

His mind was made up.
"Would you really go against Albert's wishes?" Louis finally asks.
"For the first time...I am going against our brother." William responds then walks to his room.
Louis frowns and watches his flesh and blood leave. "What will this mean for our plans?" He mumbles and walks to his own room.

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