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Tomoe pinches the bridge of his nose. "Can you just pick one and stick with it?"
"No Tomoe, that's not how it works." (Y/n) crosses their arms and looks away sadly.
"You cannot keep going back and forth between being a land god and goddess."
"I can and I will. Deal with it Tomoe. You are here to help me, not make me feel bad about myself like everyone else in my life."
"Actually it is my job to make you feel bad about yourself."
"Actually master Tomoe-"
"-your job is to-"
The fox's glare makes the shrine spirits quiet.

(Y/n) takes a deep, shaky breath and walks away.
"I heard them say if you don't know something you should look it up. Maybe if you wish to understand them you could research what this gender-fluid thing means." Kotetsu offers his master.
Tomoe looks between the two spirits and sighs.
"They are a wonderful new addition to our family. And they have done their job far beyond expected," Onikiri adds.
"Nanami was better." Tomoe mumbles and looks away.
"Master Tomoe you must move on. Lady Nanami has been gone for a long time." Onikiri suggests and puts her hand on his shoulder.

(Y/n) sits by the torii shishi odoshi and watches the water. They sigh softly and wipe their remaining tears away. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. He's an old spirit so he probably doesn't know the first thing about..."
"(Y/n) where are you?" Tomoe calls and looks around.
They stay quiet and bring their knees to their chest.
"There you are. Did you not hear me calling?"
"What do you want Tomoe?" (Y/n) mumbles, not looking at the fox.
The white haired man sits next to them.

"Have you come to insult me more?"
"I have disrespected you, and for that I'm sorry. Times have changed and just as I can shapeshift you can too."
"It's not shapeshifting Tomoe."
"Then please explain it to me. In full detail in a way I can understand. If this will help us be close and prevent me from hurting you further."
(Y/n) looks at their familiar. "Do you really want me to explain myself to you?"
"Yes, please."

(Y/n) takes a deep, shaky breath but nods. They explain it slowly and pause to make sure the yokai is still comprehending what they're saying.
Tomoe sits quietly, nodding along. Sometimes he'll stop to ask questions, which they answer.
Eventually they finish and look at the fox.
He sits quietly, taking everything in then smiles softly.
"All I ask is that you accept me."
"I will do my upmost to learn the little things that will help me decipher which you are feeling."
"I'm sure I have tells, most people do. Whether it be the way they dress or talk." (Y/n) stands up and Tomoe does the same.
They hugs the familiar and bury their face in his chest. "Thank you so much for trying to understand. It means a lot."
"You're welcome. I'm truely sorry for the awful things I said earlier. You don't have to conform to one or the other. I really just want you to be you."

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