Vain Laxus p2

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I run into the guild hall crying and go straight for master Makarov. I collapse my head into his lap and cry.
"What's wrong darling?" He asks petting my hair.
"I'm pregnant." I respond quickly. I could feel him tense.
"Is it... Laxus' baby?" He asks softly to which I nod. He sighs softly nodding.
"I don't want to tell him. I'm scared of what he'll do."
"I kicked him out of the guild darling. I doubt you'll see him anytime soon." Makarov assured softly.
I sniffle and wipe my face.
"It's ok. We're here for you." I heard a random guild mate say.
I turn to face my family and smile weakly. "Thank you." I manage to say softly.

*Third person*

Eventually word got around about her pregnancy.
Laxus overheard two fishermen speaking about it.
"I heard it belongs to Laxus. That girl is as innocent as they come; she wouldn't have sex with anyone." The brunette informed.
The blonde nods. "I hope she's ok raising a baby. Although I'm sure the rest of the guild will help out."
Upon hearing of the pregnancy Laxus smirks. "So she's having my baby. That's cool." He mumbled and walks off.

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