Julius Novachrono

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"Marxx I request an audience with the wizard king."
"(Y/n) although I appreciate the formality, you don't have to anymore. Julius expressed his utter contempt for it. Plus I'm sure I can't stop you from barging into his office whenever you want. He welcomes it, much to my nerves' dismay."
(Y/n) laughs softly and pats her friend's shoulder. "Thank you Marxx. You're the best. And thank you for putting up with him. I know how much of a handful he is, like all the time."
The blue haired boy sighs but smiles. "Yes he is. But I wouldn't change that, not really. It's how I know he's him and in good spirits."

"Marxx have you seen- oh hello (n/n)."
The woman smiles and waves. "Hi!"
"Perfect timing! My schedule is clear and I hoped you would visit."
"Well I'm here. What do you have in mind for tonight?"
"If Marxx allows it I would love to enjoy a picnic and the sunset."
(Y/n) gives her friend her best puppy dog eyes, similar to Julius himself.
"Stop giving me that look. I'm getting Julius vibes and I don't appreciate it."
"Marxx don't be like that. Can I go out, in disguise of course?"
The assistant sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I will allow it, if! you do your work tomorrow and don't complain about it. You are the wizard king and you have duties. I would appreciate it greatly if you actually did them."
"Deal!" (Y/n) yells and drags her friend away by the hand.

Julius laughs as he gets dragged around.
The woman laughs softly and lets go of his hand.
The blonde frowns at the loss of her hand but hides it with a smile. "Let me go to the kitchen and get a basket full of goodies."
"Will we take a carriage to the hill or fly?"
"I think we should fly. It will be faster and more fun." Julius responds then completes his tasks.
They make it to the hill and (Y/n) sits on the blanket.
The king sits next to her and hands her a glass.
"What should we toast to?" The woman asks, raising her wine.
"I say we toast to our friendship and the future we will share."
"To the future we'll have when the bad guys are dealt with." She offers, clinks their glasses then drinks.

As the sun sets Julius couldn't help staring as her skin glows golden.
Her beauty makes him speechless but he drinks his wine as well.
"Julius you will come out of this alive won't you?"
Her worry makes his heart clench.
"I have too many things to learn and experience to die. Plus I need to know who will take my place? Between you and me I kinda hope it's Asta. I see a lot of myself in him and he never ceases to amaze me."
(Y/n) smiles and nods in understanding.

"But I don't want to leave you either. You are very important to me and the thought of you being sad because of me makes my heart hurt."
"Julius, I wouldn't want to live in this world if you weren't here. You make my life worth living. I am always happy when we're together."
"(Y/n) I value your friendship but I've come to realize it's more than that. I love you."
"I value what we have and I would never want it to change. But if it means I can hold you and kiss you I would gladly call it more. Love sounds right to me."
Julius kisses her knuckles while she moves to her knees.
(Y/n) cups his cheek then kisses him gently.

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