Akira (Kemono Jihen)

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"Akira are you sure you don't wanna sit this one out?" Inugami asks and winks at Shiki.
The said boy puffs out his cheeks. "No I... I wanna help." He mumbles and looks at the kemeno in front of Kabane.
Before Kabane can kill the creature, someone else does.
Akira gasps and covers his mouth with his fingers. "What was that?"
A man with shoulder length (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes walks over to the small raven haired boy. "Hey kid, you should be careful. Leave this to the grown ups."
Akira looks at the new stranger and hearts replace his pupils. "He's so pretty."
"That's obviously a girl." Shiki grumbles and crosses his arms.
"You don't know that." Akira and Inugami respond in unison.

"Ah a grown up." (Y/n) walks over to the tanuki and holds out his hand. "I'm (Y/n). Are you Kohachi? Yoko said you would show up with... oh so these are the three devils she was referring to."
"This is Shiki, Kabane and Akira."
Shiki looks away and crosses his arms. "Tch."
Kabane holds up his hand. "Hi, I'm Kabane Kusaka. Nice to meet you. That was really cool what you just did."
"Thanks. It took a while to figure out my style but I think I got it down pat. I wish I could avoid all killing but sometimes I'm left without a choice."
"That's cool. Me too."

"Hi I'm Akira and I think you and I should totally go out for some crepes sometime."
(Y/n) laughs and nods. "That sounds like fun. Maybe we can all go right now. How about it, Kohachi?"
"I would prefer you call me Inugami. And I think it would be best if my boys got back home and finished their chores."
"I see. I understand. Maybe next time." (Y/n) turns and waves as he walks away.
Akira reaches out and tears stream down his face. "Inugami you're so mean. He's so pretty and handsome and-"
"Again, totally not a dude." Shiki grumbles and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"See Shiki! I told you. Boy!" Akira cheers.
(Y/n) laughs softly. "Most people assume I'm a girl because I was born one. But I do identify as a guy. I used to go back and forth, I was very fluid for a while, but then I realized I felt more comfortable as a man."
"So technically I wasn't wrong." The spider boy requips.
"No, technically you were wrong," Kabane mumbles.
"Shut up!" Shiki yells, punching his friend's arm.
Inugami sighs and rubs his nape. "Are you three done being rude?"
"Don't worry about it Ko. I'm fine."
Akira bites his lip as he watches (Y/n)'s neck muscles as he talks.

"Akira, why are you staring?" Kabane asks, looking at his friend.
The said boy blushes and looks away. "I'm not staring. Shhhhhh." He covers Kabane's mouth and squeezes his eyes closed.
Inugami frowns and looks at (Y/n). "You should probably leave."
Both adults realized what was happening and (Y/n) nods.
"Yes I should get going."
"Oh do you have to leave?" Akira asks sadly.
(Y/n) looks at Kohachi then sighs softly.

"I'm gonna take these two back to the car. Go easy on his emotions." Inugami mumbles and walks away with Shiki and Kabane.
(Y/n) kneels in front of Akira. "I understand that you have a crush on me."
"Whaaaaa no. I don't think you're super hot and cool and-"
The man cuts him off. "I get it. But I'm an adult and you're still a child. I couldn't like you back even if I wanted to. So please forget about these feelings for me and find someone your own age. Like maybe one of those two boys or maybe a nice girl."
"But those two are my friends. I can't like them like this."
"And that's ok too. Just know that you and I can't be together."
Akira frowns and looks away.

"I'm sorry." (Y/n) mumbles and stands up. "I get why you fell for me though. I can be a total badass when I fight."
"Yeah. It kinda reminds me of my twin, Yui. He's super cool too."
"That's nice. Now run along back to Ko."
Akira goes back to frowning but nods.
(Y/n) ruffles his hair gently.
The boy slowly walks back to the car and gets in.
"You gonna be ok?" Shiki asks quietly.
"I need a bath and my penguin and ice cream." Akira cries softly into his friend's shoulder.
Kabane frowns slightly and pats Akira's shoulder.

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