Vain Laxus p1

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(Y/n) is sweet and innocent. She recently joined Fairy Tail. She hoped to help others using her rare magic. She was a big hit when she walked in. She's beautiful and intelligent. She's funny and caring.
The whole guild loves her. Sometimes they joke about how innocent the young girl is.
Natsu tried making a dick joke but the poor girl didn't understand.
Not even the brute Laxus could resist her. Accept he had a plan to make her his.
Even though the youth said she wouldn't date anyone.

One spring morning (Y/n) walks into the guild and to the request board. She only took small requests, that way she could help as many people as possible.
Laxus walks down the stairs from the second floor. When he sees the girl he smirks evilly. He glances around and sees it's so early no one is around.
The girl grabs a flyer and begins to walk away.
"What are you doing here so early? Shouldn't you be asleep bright angel?"
(Y/n) blushes lightly at the nickname he gave her. "Hello Laxus. It is early but I wanted to make sure I got a good request. You know I don't like long requests."
He nods in response. "I know that. Could you help me first though? It won't take long."
The girl smiles and nods. "Of course Laxus. I'm always happy to help." She smiles sweetly.
"Thank you so much. We'll do it at my place is that ok?"
"Sure. Wherever you need to go." She responds and clasps her hands behind her back.
Laxus turns and smirks. He walks out of the guild and to his apartment.
(Y/n) follows and giggles softly looking around.

Once they get to his place he opens the door and they both walk in.
The youth takes off her shoes and follows Laxus to his room.
He closes the door behind her.
She turns to him and gives him a confused look. "What are you doing?" Her sweet voice asks softly.
"You," he responds lowly. His lips collide with hers in a passionate kiss.
She gasps at the sudden action. She tries pulling away but his grip was too tight.

He manages to strip them both and move to the bed. He ties her to the bed frame.
She squirms around and blushes deeply. Never had she been exposed to anyone.
Laxus looks her up and down. "Magnificent," he whispers.
The girl bites her lip and squeezes her eyes closed.
"Bright angel don't close your eyes. You are so beautiful." He sucks on her neck. He searches for her sweet spot.
As soon as he finds it she moans.
"Oh god. What is this feeling? Please stop it Laxus. Please!"
He smirks and grinds against her.
She whimpers.

Then he slams into her.
She screams out in pain. "Take it out! Please please! Take it out." She pleads and tries moving away, but it only helps him thrust.
He keeps moving quickly and roughly. His nails dig into her hips.
She cries softly and pulls on her restraints.
Blood runs down her thighs and ass.
Laxus doesn't stop until she cums.
She moans loudly and the white liquid leaves her body.
Laxus follows shortly after; filling her with his hot seed.
She pants and sniffles.
Her cheeks are tear stained and her eyes are puffy.
Her wrists are red and scared from the rope.
Her legs shake and arms ache.
He unties her and whispers in her ear. "I told you it would be quick. Thanks (Y/n)."
She turns onto her side and curls up.
He stands up and walks away.
She cries herself to sleep.

When she wakes up she's still naked on Laxus' bed. She tried standing but it hurts. She whimpers as she dresses in her torn clothes and walks out.
The clock outside the guild read 4:23.
She stumbles inside and everyone turns to look at her.
Some gasp at the sight.
Master runs over quickly. "(Y/n) what happened?"
"Laxus... did things to me. I don't even... understand what it was." She responds and sniffles.
Everyone gasps this time, knowing exactly what happened.
Master growls and his fists clench. "Erza take (Y/n) and let her soak in a bath. I will speak with Laxus."

Erza nods and walks over. "Come with me," she whispers. She takes her to the bathroom and fills the tub.
She sniffle and wipe her face.
Once the tub is full she turns to her.
She wipes her face.
She strips and gets in. "Erza do you know what happened? Could you explain it to me?"
She sighs but nods.
Once she finishes (Y/n) buries her head in her knees.
He raped her.
Why would he do that to her?
Erza pet her hair gently. "Don't worry. Everyone is here for you. You can talk with us whenever you need us."
She nods in understanding.
When she gets out Erza helps and lays her down. She hums softly until she falls asleep.

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