Zeref Dragneel p2

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Zeref's pov

I know she's pregnant. But I also know she doesn't want to tell me. I was scared at first that she might die during childbirth but... I think she's gonna be fine.
She is scared that I might leave her.
I couldn't do that. Not after we've come so far.

When she was finally near due and her belly is huge she then decided to tell me.
I laugh lightly and kiss her head.
When I tell her I've known the whole time she got angry and pouted cutely.
Seeing her pout like that made her look even more adorable.
I promised to always be there for her and our baby. I would care for them both the best I could.
In the back of my mind I was terrified that I would hurt our child.
What if something set me off and the baby was collateral?
I couldn't live with myself if I killed my baby.

Me and the woman I love lay next to each other, so I could hold her close.
We start deciding names for either gender. We set up a nursery in her place.
I soon realized how happy she seemed to be later in the pregnancy.
This made me happy and a lot more relaxed.

Your pov

I am having Zeref's baby. The god of death.
My initial feelings were terrified and worried but soon became joy and happiness.
I couldn't even care less about dying during childbirth, not at the thought of having the love of my life's baby. I would gladly throw my life away for our child.
He knew the whole time and that made me annoyed. Why didn't he tell me?
Oh well.

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