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I have been there since the beginning. I was the wish he was born from.
It was my wish that created the man I love.
The terrifying, yet sexiest, god of calamity, Yaboku.
His most frequently used name is Yato.
Hiyori may have "saved" him from a bus, but I actually saved him from being killed and forgotten. She has nothing on me.
I may be more like his mother but in all honestly, I've fallen in love with the god.

After creating Yaboku he vowed to protect me no matter what.
He stayed by my side and I provided lodging and sustenance.
I allowed him into my heart and he seemed to be the only thing in my life that didn't suck.
Although my father always loved me and was always there for me.
My mother not so much. She was so horrid and abusive to my father and I.
All I wished was for her to be swept away by a flood.
One day I squeezed my eyes so tight and wished so hard that from my wish the calamity god was created, and my mom was never seen again.

When I asked the god what he wanted in return for his service he didn't reply.
He stared in my eyes for a long time. Finally he spoke. "You're the reason I'm here. You need not give me anything. If anything I should be serving you for the rest of my life."
I shake my head quickly, blushing deeply.
"It may be short though. For you are the only one who knows I exist," he adds.
I bite my lip looking down. "I will make sure you live forever." I vow and look into his breathtaking blue eyes. "There are so many people who can benefit from your gifts. If anything my life will be shorter than yours. I am human after all."
He places his hands on my cheeks and looks into my eyes. "That's what I'm afraid of."
I blush lightly.
"From now until the day we die, I will do anything you want." He vows, stoic.
I bite my lip but nod. "Don't leave me. Let me always be in your life. That's all I ask."
He smiles and kisses my forehead.
Then I heard it for the first time.
"Your wish has been heard loud and clear. May our fates forever be intertwined."
I shiver upon hearing the words exit his lips.
He leans down and slowly places his lips against mine. He pulled away a moment later.
It didn't mean anything to him but it meant everything to me.

I go around advertising the god, more on the down low for the sole fact that he's a calamity god.
He sleeps in the guest bedroom.
My father and he get along very well. Daddy was happy I "found a friend".
Yaboku acted so friendly and comfortable at the house.
It was so different than when he was with a customer.
He always makes me go to his job dealings.
I was forced to stay on the sidelines and watch as he put his life on the line.
The one thought that never left my mind was how could anyone forget him once they'd seen him.
You'd think you'd remember his eyes, those eyes that can stop your heart. Or the blood that usually stains his clothes and face.
I have to clean his clothes everyday, sometimes more than once.

After a while and the feeling got stronger I had to hide it.
I wouldn't let anyone know, especially the god himself.
What would he think if he knew?
Every time I seem to be in a mood other than happy he had his own special way to cheering me up.
He played with my hair.
When I hang laundry up outside he comes behind me and starts to run his fingers through.
Then he'll put it up.
One day he made a joke about how his hair was longer than mine.
I liked that though. Then I could play with his hair.
Those plum purple locks.

As the years go by and we get older the more jobs he got.
He became infamous and the most hated god.
Bisha hated him but that's only because she thinks he killed her regalias in cold blood.
He did it for a reason.
That wasn't the only thing that happened though.
He left my house and became a dark god wielding a Nora.
He only took jobs that required killing. Now he was a mass murderer.
I went looking for him but I never found him.
He promised and broke it just as easily.

That was centuries ago.
I don't know how I'm still alive. I am human, as far as I know.
After my father passed I got the house and the money.
I have a job that pays well.
Everything I could ever want is at my finger tips, but the only thing I really want, is gone.

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