Big Sister Moriarty

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"I will do whatever it takes to protect you and provide. Stay here with Louis ok? I'm gonna go get you two something to eat."
The older blonde nods. "Ok sis."
The youngest curls into his brother, burying his face in his chest.
(Y/n) kisses their foreheads and runs off.
After a couple minutes she comes back and smiles.
"Is everything ok?" Louis asks quietly.
"I found a place for us to sleep. The library has a room in the back people rarely go in."
"Then we can read the books there too."
The girl looks at her brother and nods.

The two boys spend their time reading while their sister is out working.
Unfortunately they didn't know what she does for work, and she doesn't tell them. All they know is that it pays well for all three of them to eat.
"(Y/n) I can help you make money."
"No! My job um... you're too young to work by me." She looks away and rubs her arm.
The blonde frowns and looks away. "Then I'll find work elsewhere.
"I need you to stay with Lou. He's sick. I need to make more money to pay for medicine."
"Let me help (Y/n)."
"I've told you already, I am the oldest. I will provide for you and Louis."
The boy clenches his fists and looks away.

"I've read every book in the library now and I've helped plenty of people. They give me money or food in return."
"We can't stay at the library anymore. But I found an orphanage that will take you in. I will continue to work and send you money. Please take care of each other. I will visit when I can."
"(Y/n) why don't you come with us?" Louis asks, pulling on her hand then starts coughing.
The girl's heart clenches.
"I need to make money to make you feel better Lou. I'm ok on my own but you need to watch over your brother for me. Can you do that?"
"(Y/n)..." The older blonde trails off then looks away.
The (h/c) kisses his head and smiles. "I'll be ok. And you will be taken care of. I love you both so much."

"Come live with me." Albert requests of the two blonde boys.
Immediately they think of their sister.
"Do it boys." (Y/n) calls from the doorway.
"(Y/n)?" Louis questions, lowering his knife.
"You need surgery Lou. The Moriarty family can provide for you. You can accomplish your goals more easily with the status they provide."
The two older siblings make eye contact.
"What about you? I can't leave you." He finally inquires.
"I will continue to work. I will find a place to live. I can watch your progress from the sidelines."
"Come with us." Louis offers but the girl quickly shoots the idea down.
"The lord and lady will scold Albert for bringing two orphans. They would riot and turn me away immediately. I will manage on my own. The money I make will be given to Albert to provide a little extra for you both. But try to stay on their good side. The lord is doing this for good publicity but he may turn you away once Louis gets better."

Albert opens his mouth but closes it.
"My lord, please take care of my brothers. I have tried my best but it's not enough. I will leave an envelope with money. They are smart and will be of use to you."
The brunette nods and bows. "I will do my best to make them comfortable and help them achieve their goal as well."
"I am in your debt sir. I must take my leave though."
Before either brother could speak the girl leaves quickly.
Soon after the two leave the orphanage and move into the Moriarty estate.
Once in a while the boys will see their sister sneak in the back and leave the envelope late at night.
By morning it will be gone.
Albert puts it back for her to grab again.

After the fire Albert left a note for (Y/n) explaining to her that they would be moving to lord Rockwell's estate.
He didn't want her money but he didn't expect her to take it back once she left it in the envelope.
Unfortunately after they moved the money stopped coming and they never received a letter from her.
After a few months of nothing William became worried but wouldn't let Louis worry.
Albert went with William to visit the orphanage to ask about the girl.

"Has (Y/n) been by in the last few months sister?"
"Your sister? No. I haven't seen her since before you and your brother left."
"Do you know where she is living? Or where she works?"
"She didn't tell you? Well I suppose not. It's quite shameful but I guess it's the only thing she could do to get money quickly and without question."
"What are you talking about sister?" Albert inquires.
"(Y/n) loves you and Louis dearly but it's difficult for women from the gutter to find work. She um... she took to the streets and alleyways for work."
William's eyes widen when he realizes what the sister was alluding to.

"She was selling her body?" Albert inquires, looking between the two.
"If you haven't seen her for months I'm afraid she may-"
"Don't say it, please. Thank you sister for your help. I will go look for her."
"I'm so sorry." The woman frowns and goes back to her chores.
William leaves quickly and immediately starts running around.
Albert follows and looks for the familiar (h/c).

After hours of searching and the clouds darken the sky, it begins to pour.
"William, let's return home for now. We can look again in the morning."
"I need to find her. She could be sick or dead in an alley. You can take the carriage home."
"I'm not leaving you here alone. I'll take the alleys to the left. We can meet back at the carriage in 15 minutes."
William runs off to the right and looks around frantically while his mind races.
She's been selling herself. She's put up with so much for me and Louis. How am I supposed to repay her? I must create my new world for her and Louis quickly. She means everything to me.

As William runs down an alley he sees a woman laying on a mattress.
His eyes widen as he recognizes her.
"(Y/n)!" He yells, running to her side.
Her dress is torn, her face and whole body is bloody and bruised and she is hardly breathing.
He quickly puts his jacket around her and just barely manages to pick her up.
She lays limp in his arms, her breathing is shallow but he can still hear it.
William wobbles to the carriage and once he arrives Albert's eyes widen
The two get the woman inside and the driver returns to Lord Rockwell's estate.

Louis is waiting for his brothers to return but is greeted with a drenched family reunion.
"Is that sister?" Louis inquires, following William as he carries her to the bathroom.
"Albert, fill the tub with warm water, quickly." The blonde instructs and the brunette does as told.
"Louis go grab a nightgown and blankets and a towel."
The youngest brother does as asked.
William lifts his sister and sets her in the tub.
Her dress floats and the woman shivers violently.
"(Y/n) I'm here. Me and Lou are here."
The woman opens her eyes only slightly and soon cries quietly.
"It's ok. I'm here. You're safe now. No one will touch you or use you again. I will provide for you now."

William pets her hair and lifts water over her shoulders.
She brings her knees to her chest and sneezes.
Her face buries in her knees quickly.
"Can you change by yourself? I can get master Jack if you need help."
The girl shakes her head. "I can...myself..." she manages.
"Warm up, dry off and change into the nightgown, ok? We'll be in the library three doors over." William instructs and the (h/c) nods.

Once she is in the nightgown she walks to the library and closes the door behind herself.
Louis rushes to her side as she wobbles over. He links their arms and helps her sit.
Albert sets his book aside and looks at the middle child.
William kneels in front of his sister. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you find different work or let me work?"
"Because I'm the oldest." She whispers weakly.
"You could be sick. One of your...clients could have gotten you sick. I don't want you to die."
"I-I'm ok, I'm not gonna die." She cups his cheek gently and rubs with her thumb.
"I will talk to the lord and negotiate your residence." Albert informs and leaves.
Louis and William each squeeze one of her hands.

//would you like me to make both endings for this one? Because I have a happy and sad ending planned for this one. Let me know in the comments below 👇🏻 😊❤️‍🔥

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