Daddy Gildarts p1

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I stumble into the door of the Fairy Tail guild.
My clothes are torn and my body has cuts and bruises.
Everyone turns to look at me.
"D-daddy..." I stutter reaching out. "G-Gildarts." I whisper and collapse to the ground.

*Third person*
It was a normal day for the members of Fairy Tail. That is until a small girl stumbles in.
Her auburn hair flowing in the breeze. Her blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight.
Everyone turned to look at her.
Her fragile body was covered with scars and fresh wounds.
The last words that exit her lips shock everyone.
"Daddy Gildarts."
Most look at Cana; while she shrugs.

Gray picks up the girl and lays her on the small bed in the corner.
"Did she say daddy Gildarts?" Erza asks looking around.
Everyone nods.
"So Gildarts has another daughter?" Natsu asks.
Everyone shrugs but nods. "I guess."
"Who's gonna tell him?" Mira asks.
Everyone looks at everyone. No one knew.
"Maybe we should let her do it." Cana suggests.
"Look how well that turned out last time." Gajeel comments crossing his arms.
Cana looks down.

"When will he even be back?" Happy asks with a raised hand.
"Who knows. He always takes long requests." Natsu responds.
The young girl stirs in her sleep.
The ones around her look down at her.
"She is definitely his daughter. She looks just like him." Lucy comments.
She smile in her sleep.

*Days Later*
"Hey Fairy Tail!" The most powerful wizard in the guild greets as he walks into the building.
Everyone turns but doesn't fully greet him back. Not like they usually do.
"What's wrong?" He asks walking further in.
"Gildarts we have something to tell you," Master begins.
"Oh just go look at the bed in the corner." Natsu instructs impatiently.
The tall man looks around at everyone confused.

"It's not my birthday is it?"
They all shake their head.
"That's in three months." Mira comments, smiling happily.
Gildarts walks over to the bed and some follow. He looks down at the small girl.
She breathes evenly and her lips are curved in the slightest of smiles.
Gildarts falls to his knees. Tears water his eyes.
Her name exits his lips in a soft whisper.
He sits on the bed and holds her close.

"Do you know her?" Cana asks.
He nods quickly. "She's my daughter. Her mother was my first lover."
"But she looks like she's Wendy's age," Gray comments.
The small girl curls into her father as she slowly wakes up.
He hums softly and it turns into soft lyrics.
The youth smiles and sings along. Her voice captivates those around her.
Cana looks down and walks away. 'Sure he can remember her while she's asleep but he never once recognized me in the number of years that I've been here by his side. I guess first borns really leave an impression.'

*Original Person*
"Daddy I've missed you so much."
"What are you doing here? Where is your mother?"
I sniffle looking down. "She died. I made my way here as quickly as I could but I had a lot of speed bumps. I was attacked and kidnapped. They were horrible people. They did...things to me."
Gildarts grabs my upper arms quickly and stares into my eyes. "What do you mean 'things'?"
"You know what I mean." I respond and look down.
He gasps and holds me close.
I bury my head in his chest.
"Oh baby I'm so sorry. You can stay here with me. I'll never let anyone hurt you again."
I pull away and smile. "Of course I'll stay daddy."
He smiles and kisses my forehead.

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