Rei Suwa

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Kazuki believed he was an only child.
Rightfully so, seeing as how he never knew his parents.
So when Kyu introduced him to (Y/n) saying she is his younger sister, you can imagine how shocked he was.
"Younger sister?!" The blonde exclaims.
"Yeah. She came in and asked if I knew a Kazuki Kurusu. I asked how she knew you and she explained. You share a dad. Obviously he didn't want anything to do with her either."
The hitman looks away, gnawing at his thumbnail. "Where is she now?"
"She should be back from the bathroom any second now."

"Are you Kazuki?" A soft voice asks.
The said man slowly turns to see a young woman with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.
She's shorter than him so he has to look down at her.
"Yes, that's me." He finally responds.
She smiles softly and walks closer. "My name is (Y/n). We share a father if Mr. Kugi hasn't explained yet. I'm sorry to show up out of the blue. I only recently found out about you and our relation."
Kazuki rubs the back of his neck as she bows. "Well um... It's nice to meet you. Are you staying in town?"
"I did not plan ahead I'm afraid. This was a spur of the moment decision to find you. So I will probably find a hotel or something nearby. That is if you wish to speak to me. Otherwise I will be on my way back home."

Kyu opens his mouth but Kazuki cuts him off.
"You don't have to go home. I would like to get to know you."
"You don't have any jobs to do, do you? I wouldn't want to get in the way of that." (Y/n) asks, looking between Kazuki and Kyu.
"Wait... Kyu, did you tell her?" The blonde asks quickly.
"I did. You are terrible at coming up with believable lies so I figured it was best to rip the band-aid off."
The hitman sighs and looks at his sister then back at his middleman. "Kyu can she stay with you tonight? I've gotta talk to Rei about this. Not to mention Miri."
"Who's Miri?" (Y/n) asks.
"His daughter." Kyu responds boredly.
"You have a daughter?"

The cafe owner shrugs. "(Y/n) you can stay at my place tonight but after that she's staying with you Kazuki."
"Understood. Actually...darn."
"What's wrong?" (Y/n) asks.
"Rei and I have a job we were gonna finish tomorrow. Do you think you could babysit Miri while we're out? Then we can chat and bond over dinner?"
The woman smiles and nods. "That sounds great."
"Perfect. I'll see you tomorrow then."

The next day (Y/n) knocks on the apartment door at the specified time and Kazuki opens the door.
"Who is it papa?" The little girl asks.
"I didn't know we were expecting anyone." Rei mumbles from his elliptical. He doesn't stop cycling though.
(Y/n) walks in and looks around. "It's a nice place."
"Thanks. It's a bit of a mess but I try to keep it clean."
"Who is she, papa Kazuki?" Miri asks again.
(Y/n) smiles at Miri and squats to her level. "My name is (Y/n) but you can call me auntie."
The girl gasps and smiles widely. "I have an auntie? Hi auntie (Y/n)!" She exclaims and hugs the woman tightly.

Rei finally gets off the cycle and walks over. "Aunt? Is this her mother's sister?" He mumbles to his partner.
(Y/n) looks up at the man and blushes immediately.
The raven haired man is ripped and sweating and sexy.
"Nope. She's my half sister." Kazuki responds and smiles. "She agreed to watch Miri while we finish that job today. We can talk afterward."
"I thought you were gonna talk to him last night?" (Y/n) inquires, confused.
"I was but then Miri distracted me and then everything slipped my mind when facts about this case changed. Then I only remembered when you rang the doorbell."

Rei pinches the bridge of his nose. "We definitely need to talk when we get home."
"Ok Miri, be good for auntie (Y/n) ok? Me and Rei will be back tonight."
"Ok papa!" Miri giggles and goes to the couch to play more video games.
Rei comes back out fully clothed, hair up and ready to go.
(Y/n) blushes more and looks away.
"Here is my number in case anything happens. Don't be afraid to call me." Kazuki hands her a small piece of paper with his number on it.
After they leave Miri and (Y/n) have a fun girl's day together.

Thankfully Rei was gracious enough to let her stay.
And over the next few weeks, and the more they got to know about each other, the more (Y/n) fell and for the first time ever, Rei fell too.
Rei actually enjoys her company and personality.
They mesh well together, more so than he and Kazuki since (Y/n) is quiet and reserved.
She helps around the apartment and with Miri. Overall she takes their stress away.
When Rei finally asks her out they didn't tell Kazuki.
They knew how he would react and they didn't want to deal with that.
Everything was great and chill between the two until Miri accidentally spilled the beans in front of Kazuki.

"Auntie (Y/n) are you gonna marry papa Rei?"
(Y/n) and Rei both go wide-eyed and look at Kazuki.
The said blonde looks between the two shocked as well. "Married?!"
"Yeah! Auntie and papa Rei are dating which means they're gonna get married soon right?"
"Dating?! You're dating my sister?"
"Uh..." Rei wished more than anything to disappear from this conversation.
"Fine. Yes, we're dating. Don't make it a big deal." (Y/n) finally confirms.
"It is a big deal! How long?"
"A while." The two mumble in unison.
"How long is a while?"
"Three weeks after I moved in." (Y/n) responds and crosses her arms.
Rei's expression is a mix between drained and dread.

After a while of silence and continued looking back and forth Kazuki finally sighs.
"I guess I have no room to object. You two have been fine and seem happy together. But if I find out that either of you hurt the other I will be having words with you. And not the kind ones."
"What are the not kind words papa?" Miri asks, smiling.
"You don't need to know those Miri. Now go back to your homework." Kazuki mumbles and points to the table.
(Y/n) walks over and hugs her brother. "Thanks Kazu." She whispers softly.
Rei smiles slightly from the couch.
Kazuki smiles and hugs back.

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