William James Moriarty

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"Liam, do you promise to help sister get the money back?"
"Of course I will."
"Pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise."

"Liam, do you pinky promise to make sure Lou gets better?"
"Lord Moriarty is paying for the surgery. Louis will be just fine."
"Pinky promise."

"Do you promise to eat dinner with me tomorrow?" (Y/N) asks, crossing her arms.
"Of course."
"Pinky promise?" The woman holds up her pinky.
The blonde smiles and links their fingers.
"Aren't we too old for pinky promises?" Moran asks, sipping his whiskey.
"Of course not." (Y/n) answers and looks at the colonel.
"We take our promises very serious colonel." William adds, giving a small, closed eye smile.
The said raven haired man sighs and crosses his legs. "Whatever I guess. I still think it's childish." He mumbles and finishes his whiskey.
(Y/n) smile at her blonde friend.

"Liam... make one more promise to me."
"A pinky promise?"
"Promise me you won't die without me."
"...I can't make that promise."

Tears stream down her cheeks as she stands before her childhood friend.
She has loved him since the day they met.
He may or may not feel the same, who knows, but he cares for her deeply.
(Y/n) knew of the Moriarty plan and begged him to be a part of it but he refused.
William knew she would give her life for the cause but he refused to lose her. He wanted her to live in the cleansed world.

William links his pinky with hers. "(N/n) I promise you will live in the new world I create. I will not drag you to hell with me."
"But what about Al and Lou?" She quickly inquires.
"They will live as well."
(Y/n) looks at him confused for a moment before the truth came crashing down on her. "No!" She yells pulling away.
The blonde frowns and looks away. "It's the only way."
"No! There has to be another way. I-I can't...you deserve to see the fruit your efforts will bear. Li-"

The woman grabs the man's collar and stares into his eyes.
"Calm down."
"How can you ask me to live in this world without you? I love you (Will's real name)."
The said man laughs softly. "It's been so long since someone has called me that." He gently puts his hands on hers and unclenches her fists.
She buries her face in his chest.
Her cries make his heart clench.
William hates when people cry, especially her. "Please don't cry. Everything will be ok."
"You can't guarantee that!" She yells.
He links their pinkies again and smiles. "I pinky promise." He whispers in her ear.

(Y/n) pants heavily as she runs onto the bridge. "William!" She yells running to the edge.
Sherlock holds William close as they plunge into the Thames.
Louis rushes to her side; Moran jogging after.
(Y/n) bangs her fist onto the wooden planks.
"(Y/n)!" Louis holds her close as she cries loudly.
"They're gone," Moran mumbles.
"He can't! He... he..."
"Please calm down. Come away from the edge." The youngest Moriarty pulls the woman up away from the edge.
She quickly turns in his arms and cries loudly into his shoulder.
Moran rubs the back of his neck. He didn't know who was more upset, Louis or (Y/n).
Louis holds her close and rubs her back.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months (Y/n) became more reclusive.
Everyone knew she was in love with William and of course secretly pitied her, never mentioning it out loud.
They believed if they gave her time and space she would eventually move on.
It took receiving a letter for her to leave the house, not just the house but the county.
Louis and Albert had taken her into their estate after the incident.
When she told them she was taking a trip to Switzerland they were confused but allowed it.
They only asked that she send word when she arrived safely.

Upon arrival (Y/N) sends a telegram that she made it.
She looks at the letter then at her surroundings.
The map behind the letter leads her to the mountains.
The breeze is gentle and calming as she walks.
"Fine me (n/n)." (Y/n) reads aloud as she walks the path uphill.
Just as she makes it to the top of the hill the wind picks up and blows off her hat.
The (h/c) watches as a tall blonde catches it.
He looks at her and her eyes widen.
Tears stream down her cheeks quickly.
"I never break a pinky promise (n/n)."

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