Moriarty the Patriot

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Parties aren't your thing.
Big crowds aren't your thing.
It's overwhelming but it's hard to speak up.
So if you're at a party and you need to leave you'll tug on the back of William's jacket.
He'll feel it and put his hand on your back.
This is the perfect excuse to exit whatever conversation he's in with a noble he would probably rather not be talking to.

"I'm sorry my lord, you must excuse us." He bows his head slightly and leads you outside before the man has a chance to respond.
Immediately when no one else is around you will pant heavily and grip either a pillar, railing or even William himself.
"Darling, deep breaths." He whispers and rubs your back.
You comfort yourself by pinching his jacket again.
It doesn't take long for you to compose yourself.

"Are you ok darling?" The blonde asks and you nod.
You manage a small smile and hold his hand.
William brings your hand up and kisses your knuckles. "It's a tad early but would you like to go home?"
You shake your head. "Not yet. We can go back in. It would be unsightly if we left now. Plus you haven't spoken to the target yet."
"Darling I-"
"I will relax with the women while I wait for you. I will be ok until you're ready to leave." You promise and kiss his cheek.
William sighs but nods. "Ok. Come get me if something happens."
"Will do darling."


If you were Lou's daughter he would love making breakfast with you.
So even when you're really sleepy you'll rub your eyes, walk over and tug on his shirt gently.
You'll yawn and give a closed eye smile.
Louis looks down at you and smiles. "Good
morning my snowdrop. Did you have sweet dreams?"
"I did. Thank you daddy."
Louis would pick you up, hold you on his hip and continue cooking at the stove.
You watch happily and put your hand on his so you can claim you helped.
Of course the blonde didn't mind.

Once breakfast is done he would set you down but you'd immediately tug on his shirt again.
When he looks at you his frown turns to a small smile.
"You wanna help bring it to the table?"
You smile widely and nod.
He laughs knowingly and helps you set the table.
Soon William and Albert join at the table and begin eating.
"Wow, breakfast tastes amazing. Did you make it (Y/n)?" Albert inquires.
You giggle and nod quickly.
William looks at Louis and smiles softly, also knowingly.


It's no secret Albert would spoil you.
So he enjoys taking you shopping and gets you whatever you want.
Even when you're too shy to say anything.
If he thinks you'd look pretty with a pearl necklace he will buy it then immediately put it on you.
His love language is gift giving.
But sometimes it's too much.

So when you're walking down the street, past more shops and Albert has found yet another gift, you'll tug on his tailcoat.
This is an immediate indication that you're overwhelmed.
He'll tense up and look at you with a sad expression.
Your gaze is set on the ground, your shoes or bags you already have.
Albert looks you over and sighs softly. "I'm sorry darling." He whispers then kisses your forehead.

You two will immediately go home and he'll put your stuff away.
You will exchange your heels for slippers or nothing at all.
Once Albert finds you in the parlor he will sit next to you on the couch.
"I'm sorry." You whisper and look away.
"Darling, you don't have to apologize. I should've known better." He lifts your leg and begins massaging your foot.
You watch silently as he moves from one foot to the other.
Although your fingers run through his brown hair slowly.


Moran doesn't do good with crying.
It's awkward and all he can do is pat your head.
Obviously you can't talk so you tug on his sleeve when he's on the couch.
He'll look up at you and sigh.
Against his better judgment he will put you on his lap and hold you close.
You cry into his neck while he rubs your back.
Instead of clinging to him you curl into yourself.

If something happens while you're walking Moran will allow you to hold his sleeve while you walk.
Both of you ignore the looks you get because of the crying.
Moran will keep his gaze straight and stoic.
You will try wiping your tears but they'll only be replaced with more.
He will do his best to get you home as soon as possible then comfort you there.


Fred would probably blush every time you tug on his jacket. He doesn't talk much and if you don't either this is your line of communication.
The first time you did it was because you were panicked.
Fred had turned quickly to leave but you couldn't get any words out so you clung to his jacket.
Your mouth opens to speak as tears stream down your cheeks, but nothing comes out.
His expression turns sad and he slowly hugs you.
You bury your face in his chest or neck and cry quietly.

Fred would definitely do this to you as well. He's not a wordy guy so small gestures like this get the message across better.
If he's in a bad mood all he has to do is tug gently and he will be in your arms or between your legs instantly.
Your fingers run through his hair and he'll cling to you, or still gently tug on your shirt.
It's all so cute and wholesome.


Sherlock doesn't really know how to express his feelings so he doesn't push you to either.
Over the years you've come up with your own ways to tell each other how you feel.
One way is by tugging on their shirt or jacket.
If you're feeling overwhelmed or upset tugging on his shirt will immediately let him know and he can do whatever it takes to make you happy again.
If you're feeling happy or excited you tug a bit harder, causing him to groan inwardly, but he'll still ask why you're so excited.

Once in a while he'll notice if you're in public you'll reach out to grab his jacket but hesitate and pull away.
It's a silent walk with your gaze set on his heel.
After a while he'll groan dramatically and grab your hand.
"Darling if you want something do try to be frank about it. I'm not a mind reader."
You would blush but look away.
He looks you over for a moment then goes back to walking, moving your hand to his jacket.

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