Albert James Moriarty

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Albert is the eldest Moriarty son. Which means he has been taught many things.
Such as military training, proper etiquette and advanced education. But that also includes formal dance.
Albert is a wonderful dance partner.
A proper gentleman and graceful on his feet.
Every woman wishes to be his dance partner at any ball he attends.
But during a rather boring ball Albert and his two brothers are attending, Albert noticed a (h/c).
She is outside by herself.
He watches her sway back and forth.
William watches his brother go outside and smiles softly when he sees the woman.
"Brother, where is Albert going?" Louis questions, also watching the brunette leave.
"I think he's found a worthy dance partner," William responds.
"How do you know?"
"Because my dear Louis, she's not like the women in here begging for his hand."

Albert walks over and clears his throat.
The woman gasps and quickly turns to the man.
"You are fond of dancing. Why are you not inside waltzing with a man?"
(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "The men inside are pigs and dance only because it is an obligation. I want a man who enjoys dancing and who will treat me like a lady, not an object he can throw around the floor."
Moriarty smiles and holds out his hand. "Then allow me a single dance. Test my worth as a partner.
(Y/n) looks at his outstretched hand. "You are Lord Albert Moriarty correct?"
"I am indeed." He responds then lowers his hand.
"You are quite popular among women and cause much envy. A man can only dance with so many women at a ball and those who are left out get very jealous. I will be envied and hated by any woman who sees us."
"Let them be envious. I wish to dance with you. The moonlight bathes your skin and makes it glow. Your eyes sparkle and the night air does not chill."

"You flatter a stranger for all you know could be a commoner."
"Class matters not to me. I find your beauty immeasurable and I wish to dance with you."
"Since the music can not be heard from here hum your tune and lead."
Albert bows and (Y/n) curtsies. He gently takes her hand and carefully puts his other on her waist.
"Your hands are not firm or threatening," she comments.
"Dancing is a delicate balance between two people. I would never wish to harm my partner by squeezing their body against mine."
(Y/n) smiles softly and looks into his eyes.

The brunette begins humming quietly and leads her in a passionate waltz.
They spin, twirl and dip.
They never once lose eye contact, except to blink.
Although he holds her close she does not feel trapped.
The chemistry is so strong that even as thunder boomed loudly and the rain began pouring hard the two continued to dance.
Albert did not stop humming and their feet continued to carry them around the courtyard.

William and Louis watch their brother from the courtyard doorway.
"Is she a noblewoman?" Louis asks.
"No. She is the daughter of this estate's gardener. She and her father live in that small building over there." William gestures to their left. "I saw her selling flowers in Durham when I first arrived. I thought she was beautiful and strong willed. Seeing them like this makes me very happy."
"Do you think they could be happy together? People will surely talk."
"That is up to them. In our desired future they could be but until then... this might be a step in the right direction."
"Should we step in? It is pouring and they might catch a cold if they stay much longer and don't get into a warm bath."
"I'm sure neither mind the consequences. But you are right."

Louis opens their umbrella and walks with William to their brother and his partner.
"I'm so sorry to interrupt but we must be leaving Albert," William informs.
"I didn't realize the ball was over." Albert comments then smiles at ( Y/n).
"Thank you for this dance my lord." The woman curtsies.
"I wish to do it again soon."
"Come to our estate tomorrow for breakfast. It would be an honor and I'm sure I speak for both my brothers. I would love to get to know you better." William offers the woman.
"What is your name miss?" Louis asks.
"(Y/n) my lord. But I couldn't dine with you. I am a-"
"I know very well what you are. But as I'm sure Albert has assured you, we do not judge one by their status or class."

(Y/n) bows her head, still in a curtsy.
"Not to mention I have never seen my brother so enthralled by a woman before. You have captured his heart through a single dance. You must be special indeed." William teases and gives a closed eye smile.
The older brother blushes and looks at his brother quickly.
She looks up quickly, standing straight. "Surely you jest my lord. I am a common woman. It would be wrong for a lord to fancy me."
Albert frowns and looks at the woman. "Join us for breakfast. 8 o'clock sharp." He kisses her cheek then walks away.
William and Louis follow.

(Y/n) hums quietly as she sways in the kitchen.
As strong arms wrap around her waist she leans into the man and they move together.
He turns her in his arms, holding her hand and back, then begins spinning around the kitchen.
(Y/n) lays her head on his chest, making him hold her closer.
Albert hums softly and lays his head on hers.
"Darling, I was preparing dinner. Louis was kind enough to let me make a meal. I don't want to serve it late."
"My dear brothers will understand if I wish to dance with my wife for a few moments."
(Y/n) still blushes at the prospect of being Mrs. Moriarty. "Albert darling-"
"Shhhhh~ let us enjoy this dance." He whispers and kisses her gently.

"(Y/n) is dinner coming along ok?" Louis asks, walking into the kitchen. Although he blushes deeply seeing his brother and wife showing affection so openly.
The two pull away and look at the blonde.
"It was until your dear brother interrupted."
"I only wish to dance with my wife. Is it so wrong of me?"
"When dinner is on the line, yes." (Y/n) and Louis respond in unison.
Albert laughs softly but holds his hands up in surrender. "As you wish. We can dance later. When your baby bump is larger I would very much enjoy just swaying back and forth."
(Y/n) blushes and looks away, subconsciously holding her small bump.
"That is exactly why she must finish dinner; so she can eat plenty for two." Louis walks over and begins pushing his brother out. "Remember to be careful (Y/n)."
"Will do Lou. I'll be done in a couple minutes."
"I love you darling." Albert calls as he is pushed out the door.
"I love you too Al." (Y/n) calls back and begins cooking again, along with a few dance steps and light swaying.

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