William James Moriarty

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William sighs softly as he looks at the clock. "Another all nighter. Louis will be very cross when he finds out." The blonde laughs quietly then looks back at his desk. "Maybe some fresh air will do me some good."
While Albert and Louis are sound asleep William exits the manor, obviously undetected.
His feet take him through the trees in the backyard.
His gaze moves between the trees and the stars.
As he gets to the top of the hill he sees someone sitting nearby.

Their knees are pulled in and their shoulders are shaking.
He can just barely make out quiet crying.
His frown comes back as he walks over to the person.
The figure is that of a woman and she is indeed crying into her knees.
"Excuse me miss. I'm sorry to disturb you. But why are you crying out here?"

The (h/c) screams in fright and stands quickly.
"I didn't mean to startle you. Oh (Y/n), it's you. Why are you here crying?"
The woman looks at the blonde then bows deeply. "Lord Moriarty, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have seen me like this. Please forgive me." She wipes her face quickly, turning her back to the noble.
William walks over and holds her upper arms. "No, please tell me what's wrong? I hate to see you cry. What's happened?"
"You shouldn't concern yourself with me sir. I'll leave at once."
As she tries pulling away he holds her tighter.
He uses one hand to lift her face. "(N/n)," he whispers.

(Y/n) blushes at the nickname but quickly looks away. "Will please let me go. Your grip is hurting."
"Will you tell me?"
"Only if we can watch the sunrise." She responds after a long pause.
The blonde sighs and lets go. He kneels down and watches her do the same.
She lays on her back and rests her head on William's lap.
William smiles softly and moves some hair out of her face.
"William, how long have I been married?"
"This coming fall it will be three years. Why do you ask?"
"How long have we known each other?"
"You are making it difficult to put the pieces together (n/n)." The professor chuckles quietly.

"Why did you have to be the Lord of Crime? Have to become William James Moriarty? Why couldn't I have married you instead?"
Tears stream down her cheeks and over her nose as she watches the sunrise.
Her fists clench the fabric over her stomach.
"I wouldn't be suffering. I would be happy and being of use to you and the cause. I have loved you for so long. I respected your wishes of remaining a bachelor but it's so hard."
William's heart aches as he listens to his best friend's woes. He glances at the sunrise but he quickly looks back at the woman in his lap.
She deserves all his attention right now.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. "I wish things were different for us. But we strive to purify this world. And my sacrifice is necessary. I couldn't drag you down with me. I wish for you to be a part of the new world."
"I don't want to live in a world without you," she cries.
"You sound like Louis."
(Y/n) turns her body and faces toward him. She buries her face in his stomach and cries softly.
He pets her hair gently, ignoring the mess it will leave on his clothes. "I care about you deeply (n/n). I wish you would have told me sooner this was a loveless marriage. I could have found you a better suitor. Or you could have remained single like my brothers and I."

"You wanted me to be taken care of. My husband does not care for me. I understand women are lesser than men but he... I..." She can't even form a complete sentence. She didn't want to tell him what she's endured these past three years.
"Has he hurt you (Y/n)?" William asks, his serious expression returning and his murderous aura radiating.
Even when he smiles and remains calm (Y/n) could always tell when he was secretly fuming on the inside.
(Y/n) remains silent in response to his question.
That was all the confirmation he needed.
"How long?"
More silence.
"The whole time." He whispers and finally looks away.
This is the part where most men would flip a table or punch a wall. Their anger would contort their face and clench their fists.
But William's calm expression mixes with him gently running his fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry," she whispers.
"Don't." He orders sternly. "Do not apologize for nothing. You are a victim and I will punish your husband when I have devised a foolproof plan. I'm sure Louis will take pleasure in helping on that mission."
"William, do you plan to make me a poor widow?"
"A most humble and wealthy widow."
"William I will endure whatever that man puts me through if it means you can keep doing what you do best. Just give me your mornings in return. I wish to watch the sunrise with you."
"Then my every morning shall be yours. The sunrises shall be ours. Until the day I die I am yours."
"I love you William."
"I love you too (n/n)." He bends down and kisses her forehead.

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