Gray Fullbuster p1

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"Why would he do this to me?" I ask MiraJane sadly.
The white haired beauty sighs with just as much sadness. "I don't know. Everyone thought he was aiming for Natsu."
I was about to say something but I sneeze instead.

The amazing Ice King Gray decided to strike me with his magic. He ran after Natsu without even seeing if I was ok.
I had fallen to the ground and started sneezing.
Levy ran over with a blanket and wrapped me in her arms.
Erza growls and massages her temples in frustration. "Those two really get on my nerves."

I blow my nose and throw away the tissue when I'm finished with it. "And he hasn't even come to see if I'm ok." I whine and pout.
Erza growls and punches the wall. "He must pay."
I giggle at her. "Erza don't bother. He hates me."
"You both are part of the Fairy Tail guild. You are supposed to take care of one another. NOT abandon them when they need you." Erza punches the wall again.
This time it created a hole, one that I'm sure I'll have to fix later.
"Sorry," Erza apologizes but runs off before I could say anything more.
Mira laughs lightly. "Wonder what she'll do now."
"I don't know." I respond.
Then the sneezing and snot and coughing starts again.
"Why don't you take a hot bath. It might help." Mira suggests and helps me up.

We walk to my bathroom and I start to undress.
Mira starts filling the tub. "Do you want bubbles?"
I nod. "Yes please. The rose one above the tub." I point as I finish undressing.
She puts the liquid in and swishes it around with her fingers. She stops the water when it was 3/4 full.
I get in and moan softly.
She giggles.
I smile closing my eyes.
"I'll go get you some grapes. Green just for you." She giggles and walks out.
I nod and sink lower into the water.

A few moments later the door swings open and Gray falls into the tub.
I scream in fright.
He looks up and his cheeks turn bright red and his nose starts bleeding.
I cover myself and slap his cheek. "Close your eyes! Get out of here." I yell trying to push him out.
He stays put and just stares at me.
"Why aren't you moving?" I question loudly.
He whispers my name. He places his hand on my cheek. "You look awful." He comments making tears water my eyes.
"Why do you care? It's your fault I'm sick. You didn't even check to see if I was ok."

He smiles.
"Why are you smiling jackass?" I yell and go to slap him again, but he grabs my wrist.
He kisses my knuckles. "I was aiming for Natsu but when I hit you I realized it was perfect. I came up with a plan to tell you I love you. I could take care of you, nurse you back to health." He kisses me softly.
My eyes were wide the whole time.
I was so paralyzed. I couldn't kiss back.
He deepens the kiss and cups my face with both hands.
I blush deeply.

Then my lips started moving along with his.
He smiles against my lips. His tongue licks my bottom lip.
I part my lips.
Our tongues tangle together. We moan softly together as well.
His hands travel down and massage my breasts.
I gasp and tip my head back.
He starts attacking my neck and leaving marks.
This makes me moan more.
He smirks and his hand travel even further down.

Two of his fingers enter me and I bite my lip.
I look down and watch his fingers move in and out of me.
He kisses me and goes faster. He starts whispering dirty things into my ear.
I get turned on even more. I moan softly in his ear.
He groans and his fingers go faster.
I moan louder and sudden release on his fingers.
He pulls out and kisses me.
I kiss back but suddenly feel a sharp pain. I cry out in pain. I look down and see Gray sheathed fully inside me.
Tears water my eyes but he frowns.

"Are you a virgin? I'm sorry darling." He kisses my tears then my forehead.
I sniffle and grind against him.
"I won't move until you've adjusted." He says looking into my eyes.
I shake my head. "Move Gray."
He looks down and his eyes widen. "You're bleeding!"
"Don't worry Gray. I'll be fine. Please. Use my body to please yourself. That's all I want, your happiness."
He laughs lightly. "Shut up." He kisses me and starts thrusting.
I kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck.
He thrusts go faster and hard after a while.

It started feeling good.
I moan in his ear.
This feeling must be pleasure.
I look at Gray's face.
It seems he is feeling pleasure as well.
"Gray is my body pleasing to you?" I ask and he opens his eyes.
He nods quickly. "So much. I love you so much."
"I love you too." I suck on his neck and find his sweet spot.
He moans and I follow when he hits a special spot inside me.

He keeps hitting that spot and something inside me felt like it would explode soon.
"Gray what is this feeling? This tightness that will explode soon."
He smirks. "It means you're close to cumming." He responds.
I bite my lip looking away.
He seems so knowledges in the subject. Has he done this before.
What a silly question, of course he has. It's just a matter of how many times.
"What's wrong?" He asks wiping tears that I didn't realize we're falling.
"How many times have you done this?" I ask quietly. I couldn't look at him though.
"I've never done this with anyone." He answers and my eyes widen.

My breathing increases and without warning I release. I moan loudly and my back arches up.
His chest presses against mine.
I can feel him fill me with his fluids. I moan his name loudly.
He grips my hips tightly as he moans my name.
We keep moving until we come down from our highs. We look into each other's eyes and smile.
"That was better than I ever thought it would be. And I'm glad you were my first time. I really am sorry for getting you sick. Can you forgive me?" He cups my cheek and looks hopeful.
I bite my lip but eventually nod. "I forgive you. Does this mean I can call you mine?" I ask softly suddenly turning my gaze downward.
He laughs lightly. "Of course. I love you and you love me. We don't need anyone else."
I smile and kiss him softly.

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