Asano X Karma (sorry not Xreader)

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"You think you're so perfect don't you Asano? Being the principle's son and all. I think it's time to kick your ass off that damn pedestal."
"And you think you're all that cause you beat me once or twice. Well here's a rude awakening kid. I am better than you. In every way."
Karma grips the collar of the guy with reddish orange hair.
Asano places his hands on the other's.
They both fall to the ground rolling around.
Karma ends on top. "Ha! Give up."
"Never!" Asano yells and flips their position.
Karma groans and looks down.
The older male has a knee pressed against the younger's groin.
A small blush paints Karma's cheeks.
Asano looks down as well and smirks. "Oh my. Did the assassin boy get aroused by my knee?" The older taunts while the other struggles to get away.
Karma didn't want to be there any longer than he had to be. He was not gonna lose to this damn brat.

"Oh don't be like this Karma. Enjoy it." Asano moves his knee harder and faster.
A gasp and moan exit Karma's lips without his permission.
"There we go."
The boy's member starts getting harder and it was pissing him off.
He didn't want this to be happening.
"Moan again Karma. Submit to me."
"Never!" He yelled out. He pulls away roughly and starts running away.
Asano easily catches him. He rips off the boy's shirt. He decided to knock Karma out.
Karma fell into the older guy's arms.
Asano drives home and carries the boy to his room.

When Karma comes to all he could see was darkness. He turns his head but nothing.
A blindfold?
Then he felt something in his mouth.
He swirls his tongue around and it feels like a rubber ball.
A gag?
He tries getting up but he's held down with metal cuffs, both his wrists and ankles.
A sudden breeze hits his body, making him realize he's naked.
"A-Asano," he says through the gag.
Fingers then run up his thigh to his hip suddenly but slowly. "I see you're finally awake." That familiar voice says.
Karma wondered what was going on. He hoped it's not what he thinks.

Asano pokes the erect member.
Karma whimpers. He was at the mercy of his worst enemy.
"What should I do first?" The man whispers to himself.
'Let me go!' Karma screams in his head. He feels the bed sink around him.
Asano must me hovering over him. He leans his head down and attaches his lips to his neck.
Karma moves around but Asano holds his head still.
He sucks and nibbles on his neck.
Karma whines trying to hold back the moan.
It was on the verge of slipping out.

He couldn't let Asano win.
"Submit to me already. You can't escape from me now."
Karma shakes his head quickly.
Asano starts stroking Karma quickly and roughly. His tugging got faster as he watched Karma arch his back.
Karma tried pulling away but only played into the other's hands. He was only making Asano stroke him more.
Asano laughs. "I knew you wanted this." He kisses down Karma's body, leaving marks as he went.

Karma didn't notice, but tears were slowly streaming down his cheeks.
Asano noticed and wiped them away. "I'll make sure you feel pleasure. I'm not that cruel."
Before Karma could do anything else, his member was engulfed into a warm cavern.
Asano sucks Karma down his throat. He uses his tongue to pleasure and tease the boy. He makes quick work of the younger's balls. He stayed true to his word; he showed Karma more pleasure than he could ever give himself.
Karma moans at the stimulation.
Every small touch sent shivers up his spine.
His dignity shattered the moment his member entered Asano's mouth.
There was no going back, but he was too far gone that he didn't care.
The pleasure was overwhelming and he wanted more of it.

Asano pulls away, making Karma whine desperately.
Karma looks around but of course saw nothing but darkness. He heard something but couldn't tell what it was.
"Are you ready for the real thing?" Asano asks spreading Karma's legs. He runs two finger around the virgin hole.
Karma shivers. He could feel a familiar liquid on Asano's fingers.
Asano slams the two fingers inside the captive boy.
Karma screams around the gag. His hips slam upwards; the pain was excruciating.
Asano moves his finger quickly and deliberately. He was looking for that special spot inside Karma. He wanted the boy to melt.
He of course had a reason for all this. If he managed to break Karma, he could manipulate him all he wanted. But he could only strike when the iron was hot, not before. He had to show Karma as much pleasure as he could.

Karma moans loudly.
There it is.
Asano keeps hitting that spot.
Karma cums and pants heavily.
Asano pulls his fingers out and licks them clean. "Delicious," he whispers.
Karma blushes deeply. He moves his hips slowly.
"You want more?"
Karma nods.
"Do you want me...inside you?"
Karma nods again.
Asano smirks, then slams into Karma.
Karma cries out in pain.

Asano was quite big. He thrusts right away. He goes hard and rough.
His nails dig into Karma's hips and leaves marks.
Karma moves his hips to meet Asano's.
Asano soon sped up and rammed harder into that special spot.
Karma pulls on his restraints and arches his back.
Asano strokes Karma in unison with his thrusts.
They were both moaning.

Finally they cum together.
Asano pulls out and takes out the gag. Then he takes off the cuffs.
Karma just lays on the bed breathing heavily.
Asano lays down and Karma curls into him. The older male lays on his side, and Karma buries his head in his back.
Karma smiles slightly and wraps his arm around the other's waist.
Asano smirks evilly and closes his eyes.

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