Yami Sukehiro

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Yami sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
(Y/n) laughs softly. "What?"
"You can't just go around saying that."
"Why not? Every fish in the sea is a possibility. There's nothing I can do about that. You should be used to it."
"So if we weren't together you're saying you would try getting with Charmy or Vanessa then try getting with Fuegoleon or something?"
(Y/n) pauses then shakes her head. "I look for personality and compatibility. Me and Vanessa are better off friends but Charmy maybe. And definitely yes to Fuegoleon."
The Bulls' captain rolls his eyes.
"I told you up front about being pansexual. I can't help who I find attractive."

"What are you talking about?" Finral asks, walking over.
"My husband is salty because I think Nozel is hot and Gray is cute."
"Oh yeah, you're pansexual right?"
"Yeah. I was telling Asta earlier about how every fish in the sea was my possible partner. I don't care about things like gender or sexuality. If we get on well and we're happy together that's all that matters."
"Exactly. Captain, what's wrong with that? I'm pretty sure a few members of the Bulls are pansexual."
"Because we're married now. Meaning I am her only option."
(Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Just because I love you doesn't mean I can't find others attractive. Some people are just obviously hot and everyone would think it. Just because someone is straight or gay or whatever doesn't mean anything."

"Are you just jealous, captain?" Finral inquires and crosses his arms.
Yami glares at his right hand man. "No. But it would be assuring to me if you didn't just blurt out any time you found someone attractive."
(Y/n) frowns and wraps her arms around his waist. "Yami, I married you for a reason. Obviously I love you more than anything. I will try harder to not say anything."
Finral backs away slowly and quietly, as to not disturb them.
"Thank you," he mumbles. The raven haired man sighs and kisses his wife.
"I'm sorry I made you feel like shit." (Y/n) mumbles against his lips.

They pull away and he rubs her cheek with his thumb.
"And I'm sorry I still get like this, even after all this time."
"It's ok. I'll try to keep my thoughts to myself. I can't promise I won't find others appealing though."
Yami sighs but nods. "Fine."
"Do you wanna go spar out back?"
He nods and puts his hand on his sword hilt. "Yes I would."
(Y/n) smiles and nods. "Let me go grab my sword and I'll meet you outside."
The captain kisses his wife one last time before pulling away and walking outside.

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