Sweet Laxus p1

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She is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. She's been at the guild for a few months. She joined just before I was kicked out.
I want her so badly. I want her to be mine. I would do anything for her.
She's not only beautiful. She's so smart and funny. Her laugh is music to my ears. Her eyes captivate me. Her skin is so soft. Her lips curve perfectly. Her body is crafted by the gods.
I need her to be mine.
But does she love me, like I love her?

I walk into the guild and sit at the bar.
"What are you doing here Laxus?" Mira asks in her soft voice.
"I came to see (Y/n)."
"Oh she left on a job. She said she'd be back soon."
I sigh looking at the bar. "Can I have a drink?"
She nods and gets me a mug.
"Ha ha Laxus. Come to face me Mano y Mano?" The famous fire dragon calls from the door.
I groan and drink.

*Weeks Later*
Why isn't she back? It's been too long.
Her job request shouldn't have taken this long.
She is too powerful.
Mira hands me another drink.
Erza rubs my back. "You don't have to worry about her. She's a strong wizard. I'm sure she'll be back soon."
"That's what Mira keeps saying... everyday."
Erza laughs lightly. "Of course she has. Well don't worry ok?"
I sigh but nod. "Ok."

*A Week Later*
Now I'm just pulling hair out.
Why hasn't she returned?!
My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening slowly.
I look over and my eyes widen.
Everyone looks over and are surprised by the sight.
(Y/n) stumbles in. Her clothes are torn and her body is covered in scars, cuts, bruises, and... hickies? What happened to her?!
I swear if someone touched her like THAT I will kill them.
She begins to collapse but I catch her.
I take her upstairs and lay her on the bed. I clean her up then cover her with the blanket. I kiss her forehead and stay with her.

It takes a while to recover from her traumatic experience.
She explained everything and no one knew what to say.
My anger exploded and I ran off. I manage to track them down and kill them all.
When I get back to the guild I walk over to my love.
She's asleep in the bed on the second floor. She's smiling softly and she looks so heavenly.
I lean down and kiss her forehead. "I'm so glad you're back," I whisper.

It's spring now.
She still gets nightmares. And every time she screams my name. Or so my sources say(Erza and Mira).
It was surprising at first.
And a small blush made an appearance.
I decided to stay by her side while she slept.
When she woke up from a nightmare I was there to comfort her.
She curls into me and sometimes cries softly. She came to trust me greatly.
According to her I'm her guardian angel.
I smile in triumph, but also happiness. I kiss her forehead.
She smiles. "Thank you Laxus. I wish you were still in Fairy Tail. I'd wanna be in your group."
"Nah. We go on the really dangerous quests. I couldn't put your life in danger."
"It can't get much worse Laxus." She giggles cutely.
I bite my lip looking from her eyes to her lips.
Are they as soft as they look?

Slowly I lean down and kiss her.
Her body stiffens at first.
I get worried that she'd push me away and slap me. Or maybe she'd never want to see me again.
Soon though, she kisses back. She cups my face with both her hands.
Her lips are so soft.
More so than I imagined.
She moves so she sits in my lap.
I hold her hips and massage them.
She grinds against me and I moan softly.
I squeeze her butt and she moans.
Our tongues collide in a fight for dominance.
She won and explored my mouth. Her tongue massages mine.
I moan softly.

She strips us both with a little help from me.
I look her up and down. "Are you sure you wanna do this? We don't have to."
She slowly lowers herself onto me.
I gasp and grip the bedsheets.
She's so tight. She bounces up and down slowly at first.
I hold her hips to support her.
She puts my hands on her breasts and moves them for me.
This is all so new to me.
I don't really know what to do.
She helps smiling though.
I massage her breasts and she moans.

She starts bouncing faster and harder.
We moan each other's name.
I watch her face and body move.
Her face contorts to pleasure.
I bite my lip but moan.
"Have you ever had sex Laxus?"
I shake my head.
"That's so sweet." She kisses me, and I kiss back.
I didn't know it was sweet to be a virgin. "Are you ok?" I ask worried.
She nods. "More than ok. I feel so good. And it's all because of you."
I smile and she smiles back.
"I'm so close Laxus. Thrust up harder and quickly." She instructs, and I listen.
I do as told and moan louder.
Soon enough we both cum.
My seed shoots inside her and she covers my member in white liquid.
We moan loudly. Our backs arch in pleasure.
She leans against me panting softly.
I pant and hold her close.

After a while she stands up and gets dressed.
"That was a lot of fun. We should do it more."
I blush slightly, but nod.
She leans down and kisses my cheek. "I love you Laxus."
I blush more. "I-I love you too."

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