Sebastian Michaelis

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"Ok little one you're safe now. Let's get you home."
(Y/n) sniffles and covers herself. She gets off the beer barrel and slowly takes his hand.
The demon takes her small hand then picks her up. He closes her torn dress then walks past the men he just killed.
"Thank you mister." She whispers and buries her face in his neck.
"It's ok to cry." He pats her back and she begins crying.
Soon he gets to her manor and knocks on the door.
The butler opens the door then his eyes widen seeing the girl. "Mistress, what happened?"
"She was kidnapped and nearly killed but I saved her. Now that she's home safe I must take my leave."

Unfortunately home life isn't much better.
Her father is an earl and he owns a weapons company.
His test subject for new weapons?
His daughter.
(Y/n) is scarred and more than traumatized.
Her only respite is at night when she thinks about the man who saved her.
Her young mind rooted him as her knight in shining armor.
Even though she watched as he murdered those men and she should be terrified of him.
He wasn't human, that's for sure.
Her mother didn't help the situation though. She just ignores the girl.

To act the part Harold, the girl's father, allowed her to play with the Phantomhive boys even though they are seven years younger than her.
(Y/n) took a liking to the sick twin early on. She stays inside and reads with him and they play chess.
The two become very close, so when they were kidnapped she was beside herself with worry.
(Y/n) continues to worry about the twins then thinks about the man who rescued her and blushes softly.
Her feelings definitely grew into a crush but she knew nothing would come of it.
She would probably never see him again.

The woman couldn't have been more wrong.
When "Ciel" came back home (Y/n) was overjoyed.
She ran into his arms and hugged him tightly.
Although "Ciel" wasn't Ciel.
She kept that secret to herself though.
The butler next to the young earl went wide eyed at the sight of the (h/c).
"Thank you so much for saving him." (Y/n) immediately greets the man.
"I never thought I'd see you again."
"Have we met before sir?" (Y/n) asks.
"Sebastian do you know (n/n)?" Ciel asks.

The butler smiles and nods. "You've grown into a beautiful young woman. It's been 12 years and I did look different when we met so I understand why you wouldn't recognize me."
(Y/n) thinks about what he said and thinks about the man who saved her.
"You've guessed right. The man who rescued you when you were 7, was me."
The woman's eyes widen.
"Wait what happened?" Ciel asks, looking at his friend.
"The young mistress was kidnapped and nearly killed when she was 7. I was working for the man in charge but when I saw her clothes being torn apart and realized what the men were going to do to her I decided to end the contract and kill everyone there before they could harm her."
Ciel's eye widens in horror as he thinks back to the trauma he's just endured.

(Y/n) looks away. "I am forever in your debt sir. Although home life isn't a walk in the park either."
"I have taken notice of a couple new marks on your neck and wrists. Where did they come from?" Sebastian inquires.
Ciel takes her arm and lifts her sleeve.
The woman takes her arm back quickly.
"Why is your arm-"
Tears stream down her cheeks quickly.
"I told you already... Father needs someone to test his new weapons on. I seem to heal quickly but the scars all over my body...they don't seem to go away."

Sebastian clenches his fists. "All over?"
"Your father?" Ciel growls and clenches his fists as well.
(Y/n) sniffles and wraps her arms around herself. "I will never find a man to love me now. He said now that I've been defiled by those horrid men, my scars are justified. No man will want a whore like me so why should his abuse stop?"
The earl grips her arms tightly. "How can you say that? He is your father! He shouldn't be..." Ciel couldn't even finish his sentence.
The woman cries softly.
"Sebastian," the boy growls.
"My lord?"
"I order you to kill him. Kill Earl (L/n) at once!"
(Y/n)'s eyes widen as the demon's eyes flash fuchsia and he disappears.

(Y/n) falls to her knees but less than a minute later Sebastian is by her side again.
"You will take over your father's business and we will work together as business partners (Y/n)." Ciel offers her a hand up.
(Y/n) looks at his hand.
"I will protect you and make sure you live a comfortable life."
"Scars or not you are beautiful my lady. And you have not been defiled. I killed those men before they could."
The (h/c) blushes softly and looks at the demon. "So I fell in love with a demon." She mumbles and looks away.
Sebastian heard her of course but Ciel didn't.
"What did you say?" The earl asks.

Sebastian takes her hand gently and kisses her knuckles. "I will serve you in any way you need my lady."
(Y/n) blushes more, watching him kneel before her.
Ciel watches and crosses his arms. "Whose dog are you Sebastian?"
"You are my meal and master. This young woman is my charge now. I killed her kidnappers and now I've killed her father. It should be my responsibility to help her and care for her."
Ciel rolls his eyes and looks at (Y/n). "(N/n) I-"
"Take over the business and become your partner?" (Y/n) mumbles and looks away.
"Exactly. I can have Sebastian draw up your father's will, leaving everything in your name."

Sebastian stands and takes (Y/n) to a different room.
The woman blushes and looks at her feet.
"Loving a demon like me isn't wise."
(Y/n) blushes more and looks up at him quickly. "I-"
"I heard you. How long have you had feelings for me?"
The girl frowns. "They grew over time. They were a saving grace from the pain I've endured since."
"I'm so sorry for bringing you back there. If I had known I wouldn't have."
"It's fine. And there is no undoing the damage. I'll just stay scarred and unwanted. I can focus everything on the business like my father did."
"You don't have to. I find you to be a beautiful young woman. If you'd like, I can play the part of loving suitor. I'm sure the young master won't be happy, and we can't be open in public but you can have me in private."
(Y/n) blushes deeply. "You would court me?"
"I can be whatever you want."
"Then I want you to be you."

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