Hitachiin Twins

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Karou looks at the boy next to him and smiles.
Although it soon disappears when he thinks about his twin.
"How am I supposed to tell him? He's still trying to get over Haruhi?"
"I mean... you don't have to tell him. I'm ok if you wanna wait."
"Are you sure (Y/n)?"
"Karou just because you're twins doesn't mean you have to share everything. You're allowed to have secrets. And I would hope you wouldn't feel bad for having a boyfriend just because he doesn't have a girlfriend."
"But I do." He mumbles and looks away.
(Y/n) sighs but smiles. He wraps his arms around his neck. "Karou I get that it's hard, so I won't push. But I was hoping to be more open with you."

"Karou, where are you?" Hikaru calls, looking around.
The couple pulls away and looks at the doorway.
The other twin walks into the room. "There you are. Everyone has been wondering where you ran off to. Hey (Y/n)."
"Hi Hikaru. How are you?"
"I'd be better if my twin didn't leave me when the host club is expecting us."
"Well (Y/n) and I needed to talk about something important."
"Something you couldn't share with the others?"
"Not exactly."
"Wait, it couldn't be something you're hiding from me...right?"

(Y/n) looks at his boyfriend then rubs his back.
Karou sighs softly. "Yeah."
"What aren't you telling me? We tell each other everything." Hikaru frowns and looks between the two.
"I didn't wanna tell you because you're still trying to get over Haruhi. It's not fair that I'm happy with (Y/n) when you're not."
"Wait what? You and (Y/n)?"
The said (h/c) smiles and nods.
"We've been dating for a few months now." Karou finally confesses.
"Months?! Why didn't you tell me when you got together?"
"Because I didn't know how you'd react and the fact that he's a guy and not a girl."
"You thought I would shun you or hate you or something?"

Karou looks away. "I don't know...maybe," he mumbles.
"I could never do that. I'm happy for you. And I know that (Y/n) is a good guy so you're in good hands."
(Y/n) smiles and shakes Hikaru's hand. "Thanks. So far I think I'm doing a good job."
Karou frowns but smiles softly. "I am happy. Which is why I didn't want to tell you. I was afraid I would be rubbing it in your face."
"Babe, that's not what's happening. You deserve to be happy too." (Y/n) quickly butts in.
The other twin nods in agreement. "Of course you do. And if (Y/n) makes you happy then that's all there is to it."
"I'm sure if the girls found out they wouldn't be too happy." (Y/n) jokes and laughs softly.
"Then we'll just have to keep this to ourselves." Hikaru agrees and smiles.
Karou sighs once again but nods and smiles. "I guess so."

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