Abeno and Ashiya

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Ashiya groans as he finishes another rough day.
Abeno rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "You're being dramatic."
"Shut up! I am not. And for your information this is still new to me. I'm not as used to it as you are."
"Whatever. I have plans so I need you to leave."
"Plans huh? What kind of plans?" The blue haired boy asks, curious.
"It's none of your business. Now hurry up and-"
"Suki I'm here for our date~" (Y/n) sing-songs opening the Mononokean's door quickly.
The blonde looks at the man quickly and his eyes widen.
"Wait, date?" Hanae looks between the two men in front of him.

Finally it clicks.
"You have a boyfriend? Wait, you're gay? Or are you bi? "
The master sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Of course he does, it's me. I'm (Y/n)." He holds out his hand to shake Ashiya's.
The said man shakes it kindly. "Nice to meet you. Why didn't you tell me something this important?" Ashiya asks quickly looking at his boss.
"Because it's not important." Abeno mumbles and looks away.
"Of course it is. I didn't know-"
"Because you didn't need to. It's none of your business or your concern. Now go away."

"Suki, that's not very nice. It's Hanae right? He's a valuable employee of yours and your only human friend. You should cherish him."
"Are you a yokai?" Ashiya asks.
"No, I'm human. But I'm his boyfriend so I don't count. I told him to make human friends but he just grumbled and said 'you're all I need (n/n). You and the yokai I help.'"
Before he can continue Abeno covers his mouth
"Stop talking (Y/n). And I told you to stop calling me Suki. It's Haruitsuki."
"But everyone calls you Haru or Abeno or Haruitsuki. I wanna call you something else. Or I could go back to calling you babe and darling."

"Abeno this is a very important detail about yourself. Why would you keep this from me?"
"Because you don't need to know."
"Is it because you thought I wouldn't be supportive?"
"Of course not. I knew all too well you would be overly supportive."
(Y/n) smiles and kisses his boyfriend's cheek. "We can cancel dinner and enjoy a meal, the four of us."
"Four?" Hanae inquires and looks around.
"Suki, me, you and the Mononokean."
"Oh, that's what you meant."
"No! Ashiya was just leaving to rest and see his mother. She must be worried and waiting."
The boy frowns but nods. "You're right. I should be going. Nice to meet you (Y/n). I hope to see you soon." He bows then leaves.

(Y/n) crosses his arms and glares at his boyfriend.
"Don't give me that look."
"You promised! Why didn't you ask him to dinner?"
"Because I just spent all day with him. Now I would like some quiet, alone time with you."
The chime of the Mononokean's writing makes Abeno look at the wall scroll.
"Yes the three of us." He assures and smiles.
A cute smile appears on the scroll.
(Y/n) sighs and holds Abeno's hip gently. "I know how hard and scary new friendships can be. But I think if you open yourself slowly you'll find someone who is irreplaceable to you."
"And I did, you."
(Y/n) rolls his eyes but smiles. "Besides me. And I meant Hanae. He's a nice guy and if my hunch is correct, which it always is, you like him."
"No. I keep him around because he owes me money."

(Y/n) laughs and nods slowly. "Ah yes, his debt."
"Anyways, can we get back to dinner? I'm starving. And I wanna stop talking about him."
The (h/c) sighs but nods. "I've already made it. Unfortunately I made extra for Hanae but I'm sure you could eat his portion."
Abeno rolls his eyes but smiles softly. "I love you," he whispers.
"I know. I love you too Haruitsuki."

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