Louis James Moriarty

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(Y/n) groans quietly but her breathing is ragged.
Her forehead is caked in sweat but she couldn't stop shivering.
William rushes in with a bowl of water and a towel hanging over the edge of the bowl.
"Will...iam..." The woman whispers weakly and looks at her husband.
"I'm here darling. You're gonna be ok. I'll make sure you're better in no time."
"Brother, please calm down. She will be ok." Louis assures holding a tray of her breakfast.
"Louis, how can you ask me to be calm? My wife is sick. What if she has what you did?"
"William, it is not the same. This is a simple fever." The younger blonde responds and puts his hand on his brother's shoulder.
"I can't lose her." William whispers then looks at Louis.

"I am still here, boys. I don't plan on-" insert coughing "dying any time soon."
William rings out the rag and puts it on her forehead. "I would never allow you to die. You mean the world to me darling."
"Brother you can leave this to me. You were in the middle of planning something weren't you?"
"The mission can wait!" The professor yells.
Both Louis and (Y/n) are shocked.
It was the first time William had ever raised his voice.
"The mission can wait." He repeats quietly this time. "Darling, your health is more important right now."

(Y/n) holds her husband's hand gently and smiles. "What's one life compared to the future of this country darling? The next noble in your play needs punishment more than I need you here. I don't want to risk you getting sick. And although I wish the same for you Louis and I know there will be a fuss about me being alone."
Louis smiles softly, thankful his sister-in-law agrees with him.
"How can you say that? You are my wife and I love you more than anything-"
"Then as the wife of William James Moriarty I order the Lord or Crime to leave and plan his next mission."
Her coughing makes the man's heart clench.

"Brother I will watch over her. I know what to do. And I swear she won't end up like me. It's just a simple fever. It will break with rest and plenty of liquids."
"Simple fevers kill too." William mumbles and looks away.
"That was very childish Will. I would kiss your pout away but I-"
Before she can finish her sentence he smirks and kisses her.
(Y/n) pulls away quickly and shoves him. "William, go away."
The blonde sighs but nods. "Fine, fine. Louis, come get me if anything happens."
Glasses boy nods and smiles. "I will brother."

As soon as William is gone (Y/n) frowns and looks at Louis.
The said man sighs and looks back. "He's only worried. I was lucky in getting the surgery I needed. If we stayed on the streets I wouldn't be here."
"He doesn't want to lose someone close to him. Whenever someone gets sick he fears it will turn deadly. That's understandable and my only job is to get better and assure him I'll be ok."
The blonde smiles and nods. "Yes. Now back to the matter at hand. Let's see if you can eat."
(Y/n) nods and sits up. She keeps the blankets tight around her body.
Louis helps her eat, allowing small talk between bites.

The woman sighs and looks away. "Lou..."
Louis looks at his sister and frowns. "Is something wrong?"
"I don't want to live in this world if William isn't there. He deserves to see the fruits of his labor. But I know he wants us to live on."
The boy nods slowly and clenches his fists.
(Y/n) holds his hand gently. "You and I will just have to be there for each other and keep the other going. I can acknowledge your existence Lou. Can you do the same for me?"
"Of course. You are my sister now and I care for you as much as any of the others."
"Even Moran?"
Louis opens his mouth then closes it, laughing slightly. "Ok that was a lie. I care for you more than the others."
"More than William?"
Although they both know it's only a simple tease Louis does his best to look offended.
"How could you ask such a thing? More than my flesh and blood?"
"Then I will only accept you care for me right after William and Albert."
The blonde thinks about this for a moment then nods.

"As long as I know you care for me more than Sherlock Holmes."
"Don't even start with that man. I detest him. But he is the only one brother holds as an equal."
(Y/n) squeezes his hand. "You are smart too my dear brother. Do not belittle yourself because you are intelligent as well."
He gets nervous when she begins coughing.
"Be honest Louis. Will I get better?"
"I will do everything in my power to see to it."
"And you don't think it's what you had?"
"Sister you're making yourself worry. Please just rest and leave everything to me."
"I trust you Lou. I will do as you ask."
The boy smiles and nods. He fixes the towel on her forehead then tucks her in. "Just call if you need anything."

Before he can leave (Y/n) coughs and he quickly looks at her.
"Are you alright?" He asks quickly.
"Yes but Lou...will you sing me to sleep. William does and it helps a lot."
Louis smiles and nods. "As you wish. I won't claim to be good though."
The woman smiles and gets comfortable again.
Louis sits back down on the chair next to the bed. He clears his throat and begins singing softly.
(Y/n) closes her eyes and before long she falls asleep.
The blonde stands up and kisses her forehead. "I will make it my mission to make you better (Y/n), I promise."

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