Sweet Laxus p2

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I take a deep breath and walk into the guild. I make my way over and up to the second floor, where Laxus spends his free time.
Laxus likes taking naps there.
I walk up and see Laxus sleeping peacefully.
His coat covers his body.
I smile and move his bangs away from his face.
His eyes slowly open.
I kiss his forehead. "Hello sleeping beauty." I whisper softly.
He smiles and sits up. "Hello darling." His raspy voice speaks. "Do you need something?"
"I need to tell you something important," I respond.
"Is everything ok?" He asks quickly.
I smile softly and nod. "Yes everything is fine. I think so at least." I giggle softly.
He smiles and nods.

"Laxus I'm gonna have a baby. I'm gonna have your baby." I inform and smile.
He sits still for a while, not moving.
I wave my hand in front of his face.
He shakes his head and looks into my eyes. He smiles and kisses me softly. He quickly stands and runs to the railing. "I'm gonna be a father!" He cheers down to the other members of the Fairy Tail guild.
Everyone cheers and begins to celebrate, by drinking.
I laugh happily and cuddle with my boyfriend once he sits back down next to me.
He holds me close and kisses my head. He leans down and kisses my belly. "I love you." He whispers to the baby.
I smile and play with his hair.

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