Daddy Gildarts p2

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It's been a few months since I came to the Fairy Tail guild.
I noticed my stomach has been getting bigger and my body has been hurting a lot.
Recently I've been having strange craving, to which I've made daddy get me at mostly 3 in the morning.
He's been staying home more to spend time with me.
I was so happy to be with him again.
He really is the greatest father.
Cana on the other hand hasn't spoken one word to me.
I'm about 5 months along now but still don't know. That is until someone unexpected says something.

"We're back." Natsu says as he and Happy barge in.
They've been gone for months, we were getting worried.
Me more than anyone for some reason.
"Welcome back." Everyone cheers per usual.
Natsu walks toward the bar to get a drink but once he arrives he stiffens.
I sip my lemonade and smile at him. "Did you have fun?" I ask softly.

He turns to me and slowly walks over.
"What's wrong?" Mira asks.
Natsu starts sniffing me, and I stiffen.
"W-what are you doing?" I ask nervous.
Suddenly his nose is level with my belly and he backs away quickly.
"What's wrong?" Erza asks walking over.
"You're pregnant." Natsu informs looking into my eyes.
My eyes widen. "What?" I whisper.
Everyone looks at me surprised.
I look down at my belly, place my hands there, then suddenly feel a kick. I gasp in shock and look at everyone.
Natsu looks at Happy then me. "Who's the father?"

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