Fred Porlock

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(Y/n) blushes softly but smiles.
Fred smiles and puts the flower behind her ear. "It's an accessory to enhance your beauty. None of these flowers could outshine you."
The girl giggles and rubs his free hand with her thumb. "I love you Freddy. Even if you use that line on the other girls." She whispers softly.
Fred laughs slightly. "And I love you. For the last three years, and I will continue to love you until the day I die."
"Till my last breath." She adds and looks into his eyes.
Fred frowns and squeezes her hand. "Do you wanna go inside?"
(Y/n) glances around the grass and nods slowly. "I'm sorry."
"It's ok. I know you aren't a fan of insects. It's the perfect weather for them to crawl on the blanket toward your lap."
"Would you rather take a walk around town? I'm sure there are people you could add to your notebook."
Fred smiles softly then nods. "I would like that. I would feel awful if I missed someone with an important case for William."

"How do you know me so well?" Fred asks, looking at his girlfriend lovingly.
"I could ask you the same."
"I think it's because you're so important to me that I feel the need to know you better than you do."
"Ours is an emotional bond rather than physical. But we still enjoy physical affection."
"I'm glad we both want to wait to go any further. Physical intimacy makes me nervous."
"Of course. I need an emotional connection with my partner before we sleep together, in the sexual way at least."
Fred nods in agreement. "I as well."

"But it's been many years now and I...if you think you'd be up for it...I think I'm ready to take that step. But if you aren't that's ok. I can wait until you are."
Fred blushes and looks away. "I'd like to think I'm ready."
"If you so desire we could go to the estate in Durham. No one is there so we can have privacy."
The boy thinks about it then nods. "I would like that."
(Y/n) takes his hand and leads him out.

Late that night, after the couple finally became intimate, they laid on the bed.
Her head on his shoulder and his thumb rubs her arm.
Their bodies are pressed together and their eyes are closed.
"I never thought it would feel so good." (Y/n) whispers then smiles.
"I'm glad I could do this with you. Seeing your body, feeling it and experiencing your ecstasy was all worth the wait."
"I can't wait to do it again." The girl confesses then looks up at her boyfriend.
There is a small pause before Fred speaks.
"Me too. I love you so much."
"Every little thing about you. Even the things that drive me crazy." (Y/n) laughs softly and kisses him.
Fred kisses back, holding her close and smiles against her lips.

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