The Three Vermillion

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(Y/n) eats dinner quietly with her family.
Everything was fine until Leo had to open his big mouth.
"Hey sis, when are you gonna invite your girlfriend to dinner?"
(Y/n) chokes on her soup and looks at her younger brother quickly. "Leo!"
"You have a girlfriend?" Fuegoleon inquires gently.
"Is she strong?" Mereoleona of course asks, smirking.
(Y/n) blushes and looks away. "You guys aren't mad?"
"Mad about what?" Fuegoleon asks and looks at his little sister confused.
"If she's weak I'll be mad."
"Mereoleona you're not helping," Leo mumbles.

"You aren't mad that I have a girlfriend?"
"Wait were you keeping it a secret because you thought they-"
"Leo shut up!" (Y/n) yells and stands quickly.
Tears water her eyes and she turns to leave.
"You thought we would disown you? (Y/n) sit down." The oldest brother stands and walks to the girl.
"Noelle got disowned because she was weak. Why wouldn't you disown me for loving another woman?"
"Because who you fall in love with isn't anything to be ashamed of."
(Y/n) looks up at her brother.

He smiles softly and wipes her tears with his knuckle.
"So are you gonna bring her to dinner or do I have to track her down myself?" Mereoleona asks.
"You don't even know who she is," (Y/n) requips.
"It's the daughter of lord and lady Harrington. Her name is-"
(Y/n) growls and grabs Leo by the ear. She pulls him out of his chair and begins beating him up.
The two oldest laugh as they watch.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please spare me!" Leo yells, trying to block his face from her assault.
"Now, now (Y/n) come back and finish dinner." Fuegoleon requests and pat the girl's chair.

(Y/n) sighs and pats down the skirt of her dress. "Very well."
"Her name is Lilianna isn't it?" Mereoleona asks after thinking about it.
"Yes. She is from a noble family so at least I didn't disgrace the Vermillion name by falling for a peasant."
"Even if she were a peasant, we would still accept her." Fuegoleon assures and rubs (Y/n)'s shoulder.
"Thank you brother. If she is free, would tomorrow night be sufficient for dinner?"
Mereoleona opens her mouth but Fuegoleon holds up his hand.
"Yes. Bring her here for dinner and we shall act kindly. Right Mereoleona, Leo?"
The two fireheads sigh but nod in agreement. "Fine," they mumble.

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