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"Tatsumi, why can't I visit your apartment?" (Y/n) asks sadly.
"Because..." The raven haired boy trails off, thinking about his roommate.
Or rather the creature residing in his bathroom.
And sometimes it's more than one.
(Y/n) frowns and waves his hand in front of his boyfriend's face. "Tastu?"
"I like your place better. It's clean and bigger and smells better." The boy finally answers, coming up with terrible excuses.
The (h/c) sighs and crosses his arms. "Fine."

Unfortunately for Tatsumi his boyfriend didn't wanna take no for an answer.
(Y/n) decided to pay his boyfriend a visit. He unlocks the door and sneaks in.
Tatsumi is in the bathroom, in the tub due to Wakasa pestering him.
(Y/n) makes it to the bathroom and is about to knock but stops when he hears voices.
"Come on Tatsumi. It's just a quick bath. You don't have to be shy still. I've seen you naked before."
"Shut up, that's not it." The boy grumbles. "(Y/n) keeps wanting to come over but I can't let him see you."
(Y/n) frowns and looks at the door.
Is he cheating on me?

The (h/c) throws open the door as tears well in his eyes. "You didn't have the decency to break up with me? You had to cheat...on me..." He trails off seeing the two.
"(Y/n)! What are you doing here? Wait, cheating on you? What are you talking about?"
"Is this him? He's so cute." The strange blonde man compliments.
(Y/n) stares at his tail for a long time before slowly looking at his boyfriend.
"I guess there's no hiding anymore. (Y/n) this Wakasa. He's a merman. He's the reason I like going to your place instead."
"A merman?"
"Yeah. And when his friends come over it's really crowded."

Just as he says the word the window opens.
"Hey Tatsumi." Takasu greets, sliding in. "Oh, another human."
"Another human?" Mikuni inquires.
"Why did you drag me along? I wanna go back home. It's nice and dark there." Maki mumbles quietly from his shell.
(Y/n)'s head spins. "Octopus, jellyfish and a snail."
"Babe, I can explain."
"Do you have a boyfriend Tatsumi? Is this why you stay out some nights?" Wakasa inquires and puts his finger to his lip.
Tatsumi sighs but nods. "Yes, this is my boyfriend."
"That's nice. I always thought you'd get a girlfriend but boyfriend works too." Takasu comments and smiles, giving a thumbs up.

Mikuni smiles and cups (Y/n)'s face. "He looks nice."
The said boy's body shakes from the shocks.
The jelly slides into the water and practically vanishes.
Tatsumi fans his partner's face and kisses his forehead. "I know it's a lot. Are you ok?"
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I thought you were...cheating on me."
"I would never do that. These are just my friends."
He explains how he rescued Wakasa and how the others soon started appearing after that.
Eventually (Y/n) sighs and nods.

"It's nice to meet you all. Sorry I acted like that."
"It's ok." Mikuni immediately assures, still smiling sweetly.
"As long as you don't hurt us or tell anyone we'll be ok," Takasu adds.
"You're very cute." Maki comments then immediately blushes.
(Y/n) blushes at the compliment.
"I'm sorry! That was too bold wasn't it. I'll just go die now."
"No! It's ok. Thank you. No one calls me cute."
Wakasa gasps. "Tatsumi, you don't call him cute! What kind of boyfriend are you?"
"Uh... I don't know." He mumbles and looks at his partner. "Am I a bad boyfriend for not calling you cute?"
(Y/n) blushes more and shakes his head. "No! Not at all. I don't mind. But if...you wanted to I'd be ok with that."

Tatsumi blushes softly and rubs his nape. "Well you are cute I guess."
(Y/n) smiles softly. "So are you Tatsu."
The raven haired boy blushes more. "I'm not cute."
"He's the cool, stoic type." Takasu offers and smirks.
"That sounds more like it," Wakasa agrees.
(Y/n) holds Tatsumi's hand and rubs his knuckles with his thumb.
"Next time can we please go to your place?" Tatsumi mumbles, earning a small laugh from (Y/n).

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