Byakuya Kuchiki

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"Ichi if you don't fight back with everything you have I'm gonna keep beating you."
"Shut up! You're hella strong so give yourself some credit."
"You're a sub soul reaper. If you can't beat me then how can you hope to beat anyone else?"
"I already told you! You're spiritual pressure is intense and it's throwing me off."
"I'm just a human that has the sight. I'm nothing special."
"Oh yeah? Then why did I see you and Byakuya chatting it up last time we were in the soul society?"
(Y/n) blushes deeply. "That's not of your concern Ichigo." She slashes his chest and he groans.
"Dammit! That hurt." He mumbles and covers the bleeding wound.

"Oh I'm sorry. Are you ok?" She rushes over and pulls out bandages.
"Yeah it's fine. I'm used to this."
The woman sighs and looks away. "You're really strong, Ichi. I don't wanna see you get hurt. You're my friend."
"Speaking as your friend, what is the deal with Byakuya?"
(Y/n) looks away and frowns. "Nothing."
"Nothing as in nothing or nothing as in you don't wanna talk about it?"
"Both. You wouldn't understand though. You're too dense."
"Too dense?! Excuse me I- ow ow ow." He groans and holds his chest.

"(L/n), captain Kuchiki wishes to speak to you in his office right away." Renji jogs over to the group of Ryoka.
(Y/n) looks at the redhead and frowns. "Me?"
"Why does my brother need to speak to her?" Rukia asks and looks at her reaper friend.
"He didn't say the nature of their business. But Ichigo I would hurry to the meeting. Captain Kenpachi still wants your head."
"Damn you're right. Let's go, everyone. (Y/n) we can meet up later." The orange haired boy instructs and jogs off with his friends.
(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "Why does he want to speak to me alone?" She blushes softly as she begins walking. "Not that I completely mind per se."

When (Y/n) reaches the raven haired man she kneels and puts her forehead on the ground.
"Sir. You wish to speak to me?"
"Are the others here as well?" The stoic man inquires.
"Yes. The Ryoka are here as well."
"Have you forgotten you are a Ryoka?"
"I know my place. I have gotten stronger and I can fight alongside the reapers."
"Stronger? Enough to equal a lieutenant or even a captain?" He looks at her with sharp eyes.
Her head snaps up. "Of course not! But I'm trying. I know I'm a disappointment but I'm close. I'm getting really strong and I'm trying to make you proud."

Byakuya walks over to her and he smiles slightly. "I can tell you're progressing nicely. You've taken my advice and improved greatly. Your pressure is intense but you have great handle on it."
(Y/n) looks away. "You don't have to compliment a human like me, I know how much you dislike us."
"Actually you are an exception. You are highly tolerable and somewhat enjoyable company. Especially compared to the other reapers and ryoka."
The woman blushes deeply and couldn't make eye contact. "Captain Kuchiki I do not appreciate lies."
"When have I ever given the impression I would ever lie?"
"Just now." She responds and looks into his eyes.

His expression is serious and makes her nervous.
"I never lie." He whispers, close to her face.
(Y/n) blushes more and looks away. "What business do you have with me, Captain Kuchiki?"
"Would you consider yourself a good housewife?"
"I'm not married but I prefer house work to going out and getting a boring job."
"But you are also a fighter and can make decisions in battle?"
"I do my best. I would not want my indecision to cost lives. Or be so weak that someone else would have to save me."
"How do you find my company?"
"More than enjoyable. Your voice is calming and I love when you bestow your wisdom upon me. Not to mention you give me motivation to get stronger and smarter."

"And do you find me attractive at all?"
The woman blushes but stumbles to her feet. "Captain Kuchiki I don't know where this is coming from nor where it's going but I should leave. The others will-"
"Should I take this as my appearance is not to your liking?"
"Of course not! You're exactly what I want in a romantic partner. You are the man I want but I know I'm not good enough for you. You're serious and strong and so out of my league that I-"
"Don't you think it's my decision whether you are worthy or not?"
"Well... yeah but-"
"Then worry not. You are the one I want as well."

(Y/n)'s eyes widen. "Excuse me?"
"I wish to know if you would become mine."
"Yours..." she whispers. "As in your girlfriend?"
"For a short period of time. I suppose that's what you ryoka call it. I would court you until we felt ready for marriage."
"Yes of course. I do not take the subject lightly and my feelings do not easily sway. I have feelings for you and for as new as they are, I do not think they will disappear so quickly."
"Captain I-"
"Call my Byakuya when we are alone."

"Byakuya," she whispers.
He smiles softly. "Your voice is like honey."
"Say my name." She requests and looks into his eyes.
"(Y/n)." He responds quietly and takes her hand in his.
"Do you consider your feelings love?"
"I believe so. But I'm sure time will make things more clear."
"Say it then. Say you love me."
"I love you, (Y/n)."
Once again she blushes but squeezes his hand.
"I love you too, Byakuya."

"This means we'll eventually have to tell people. And I'm a human and you're a reaper. We live in two different worlds."
"If you so desire you could live here. Either as a human or a reaper."
That decision weighs on her heavily and makes her silent.
Was she ok with leaving the living? Her family and friends. But does she really want to have a long distance relationship?
"If you came here as a human you could be my housewife. If you came as a reaper we could fight side by side and I could help you get stronger."
"And if I stay in the land of the living?"
"Then you can visit whenever you want. I wouldn't be so selfish as to ask you to leave your life behind for me. You are human and you have connections on Earth."

(Y/n) smiles softly and lays her head on his chest.
His heartbeat calms her down.
"I have friends and family I can't leave just yet. But I will visit whenever you want. I love you and I can handle it being long distance for a while."
The raven haired man sighs but nods. "As you wish darling."
"Can I make a request?"
"What kind of request?"
"Kiss me."
He nods and slowly leans down, pressing his lips to hers.

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