Senku Ishigami

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It's all about the science.
Never about love or feelings.
At least not the romantic ones.
He gets sentimental but the idea of love is irrational to him.
That is why I don't tell him.
I keep my mouth shut and enjoy the company he gives me. I have my own fascination with science of course.
It doesn't give me a boner like him but I do my best to keep up with him.
Better than Taiju at least.
Being in his class makes it easier to justify spending so much time with him.

After I was turned to stone I started crying, mentally at least, knowing I would probably never be able to see any of my friends or Senku again.
Eventually that got old and I started thinking positive again.
If anyone could undo this disaster Senku would find a way.
So until I see him again, I will never give up hope.
I'm sure Taiju is doing the same with Yuzuriha.

How long has it been?
At least thousands of years right?
I think I went crazy a little, dreaming of a life where Senku and I could've been together, if not for his science boner.
Which don't get me wrong, I love about him, but I also wish he'd be willing to have a romantic relationship.
My unending thoughts are interrupted by a light.
Bright light.
And fresh air.
Wait... what's happening?
Is that a voice I hear?

"(Y/n) please wake up. I need you."
That's Senku.
Why does he need me?
"(Y/n) listen to my voice please. Break free from the stone."
I smile and use all my willpower to burst out of the stone.
"I knew you could do it."
I smile happily and hug him tightly.
He hugs back but it didn't take long for me to realize I'm naked.
I cover myself and he rolls his eyes.
"It's not like anyone is here to see anything."
"You're here," I mumble.
"What's your point?" He asks and looks at me confused.

I frown and look around.
"It's been 3,700 years."
"So long?"
"Don't worry. I plan to do what I can to bring back our old world."
I manage a small laugh. "I knew you would."
"Now hurry up. I need your help."
"My help?"
"Of course. I'm gonna bring Taiju back next. I need his brawn to keep making the miracle water."
"Use me how you will."
"Oh I plan to." He replies bluntly.
I sigh and look away. "Things will never change."

"If you really don't feel comfortable walking around naked I can show you how to make something to wear," Senku offers.
"If you didn't care who saw, why did you make yourself a grass skirt?"
"I felt weird being so free. If you're more comfortable bare, I guess I don't mind."
"You know when Taiju wakes up he'll freak out over me being naked."
"Yeah I have a feeling he will too."
"But until then I guess I don't have to. I'll have more free range of motion to help you with whatever you need."
Senku shrugs and turns his back to me.

I bite my lip and uncover myself.
"I would suggest shoes though." Senku comments then turns back to me.
I look at him quickly.
He blushes and looks away.
"I think it would be best if I wear something. Modesty is a virtue."
"Yes, I agree. Oh and before you worry that pretty little mind, you won't have to worry about repopulating the planet. I plan on reviving everyone."
I frown and look away. "Yes, of course. I'm sure you would dread the idea of repopulating the planet with me."
Senku pauses then looks at me. "On the contrary. If I were to fail in making the miracle fluid, I wouldn't choose anyone but you to bring back humanity with."

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