Senku Ishigami

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Senku sighs and rubs his temples.
(Y/n) massages his shoulders. "What do you need Sen?"
"I need to figure this out. Can you help me?"
Gen looks between the two. "And you two aren't together?"
The two science nerds look at the mentalist.
"I've already told you Gen," Senku starts.
"Romance is illogical," (Y/n) finishes.
"Right. And you two are just perfectly in sync for no reason. What a waste." He mumbles to himself and walks away.

"I wish people would understand that I don't do romance." (Y/n) mumbles to Senku.
"As do I. And you're also ace right?"
"Correct. I'm fine on my own. It gives me more time with you and science."
"Just what I like to hear." The leader of the kingdom smiles softly.
A glint in his eyes also makes (Y/n) realize he's figured something out.
"You have an answer to your problem?"
Senku smirks and nods. "Oh yeah. By the way, can you push harder on the left shoulder?"
The woman smiles and nods. "Of course." She focuses her massage on the left shoulder.

(Y/n) is helping Senku but one of the guys walks in and over to the woman.
They smirk slightly and start flirting. Once in a while they glance at Senku to see if he's reacting.
Unfortunately he doesn't.
(Y/n) looks at the man confused. "If you haven't come in to help could you leave? I'm not interested in anything you've said and I'm busy with Sen."
The man sighs and leaves.
Gen walks in after the man and sits on a chair. "Senku, are you really not jealous of people trying to take your science partner away?"
"Why would I be jealous? I know (Y/n) would rather be here with me than anywhere else."
Gen sighs but nods.

"I don't do love. I don't do sex. Why does everyone make me feel like I'm in the wrong?" (Y/n) collapses onto the edge of her bed.
Senku rubs her back gently. "I'm sorry you feel like that. I know how it is though. I feel the same."
"Which is why I enjoy spending time with you. You don't flirt with me, you let me geek out on science and I can be myself. You're the closest thing I could call a friend."
Senku smiles and nods. "Of course. There's nothing wrong with us. We would just rather have a lot of friends."
"Yes, exactly! Friends is perfect."
Senku laughs softly and nods in understanding.

"Gen?" (Y/n) mumbles walking up behind the mentalist.
The said man jumps slightly then turns to her. "(Y/n)?"
"Why are you trying so hard to get Senku and I together?"
"Because I think you two are perfect for each other. You can be happy together as partners, not only in science but in life."
"But neither of us want that."
"And that's exactly why you should do it."
"I don't feel romantic or sexual attraction to him, or anyone. Do you think that's a broken piece of me that you can fix?"
"You don't need to be fixed. I just thought-"
"Well you thought wrong. So please stop, and tell everyone else as well."

Tears stream down her cheeks as she walks away.
Senku walks over, completely focused on his blueprints.
"Senku I'm sorry." Gen whispers and walks away.
The dual haired man looks up. "Hm?" He looks around to see no one. Senku shrugs and walks to the lab.
(Y/n) goes to the beach and sits by herself.
A few minutes later Kohaku walks over and sits next to her.

"Do you need something?" (Y/n) asks, looking at the woman.
"I didn't know anything about what you were talking about. Aromantic and asexual were terms I'd never heard of. But once you explained it, and I saw how Senku also felt the same, I realized something."
"That it's more than ok. A lot of people here had to go without having children because we didn't have the resources to provide. I'm sure some people grew up to not have those feelings of love or lust because of it. So you should really fit in with some of those in the Ishigami village."
(Y/n) smiles softly. "Yes I'm sure. But it's not about them it's about others trying to push Senku and I together. Or get me into a relationship in general. I don't want it and I wish everyone would stop."
Kohaku nods in understanding. "Then I will do my best to help you."
"Thank you." (Y/n) whispers and looks at her lap.

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