Akashi and Kuroko

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"You can't control my life Sei!" (Y/n) yells and clenches her fists. "I love Tetsuya and he loves me. You're the heir not me. I'm the spare father never wanted. Just leave me alone."
"Just because you are my half sister doesn't mean anything to me. You are my charge and I care about you. I need to know you're taken care of. Tetsuya Kuroko can't provide for you. He's not strong enough."
Tears stream down the girl's cheeks.
"I never cared about that! We're happy. Why can't you accept that?"
The older Akashi sibling clenches his fists.
"Or is it because father-"
Before she can finish her sentence Seijuro backhands her.
(Y/n) gasps and falls to the ground from the force of his slap.
Her eyes are wide from shock as she looks up at him.
After a moment her gaze turns downward and her bangs cover her eyes.

"I hate you!" She yells and runs away.
He watches her leave, anger still evident.
She gets a good distance away before stopping for breath.
Her back hunches forward and she clutches her knees.
When she stands up straight she looks across the road only to see her blue haired boyfriend.
"Ko?" She mumbles, squinting, then smiles widely.
He still misses every basket making her laugh.
Although the longer she stands there the more of the previous fight plays in her mind.
And again tears well and fall.

As her vision is blurry and she cries more she craves her partner's warmth.
"Tetsuya!" She yells as she begins running across the street.
The said boy looks over and smiles upon seeing who called his name.
Although when he sees the oncoming speeder his eyes widen.
"(Y/n) no!"
The girl looks to her side just in time to be hit and her vision to go black.
Her body goes flying and all the while loud cracks can be heard over the screeching of the tires.

The athlete runs over and inspects his girlfriend without touching her.
The driver gets out of his car quickly. "What the fuck just happened? The stupid bitch not know how to look before running across the street?"
A passerby calls the police quickly while a crowd forms.
"She better pay for my damages." The driver continues.
Kuroko's aura turns murderous.
The man backs away but growls.
"I have to call Akashi." The boy quickly whispers then grabs his phone.

After two rings the phone picks up.
"Tetsu is (Y/n) at your residence?"
"(Y/n) was hit by a car! She's not conscious or bre-"
"Where are you?" Akashi yells.
"The courts near the bridge o-"
Before he can finish the pink haired boy hangs up.
The shadow sighs and puts his phone in his pocket.
"Was that her boyfriend? Her parents maybe? They better pay for-"
"That was her older brother. And if I were you I'd pray to whatever god you believe in that he lets you live." Kuroko threatens, his dark aura coming back.
This time the man clenches his teeth but doesn't speak to the boy again.

The paramedics are just loading her into the ambulance when Akashi runs over.
"Akashi! They're taking her to Tokyo General hospital."
"Where is he? Who hit her?" The brother growls looking around.
"So you're the older brother? You're just a child. Where's your daddy little boy? I'm sure he won't be happy his-"
The taunting comes to a hault when the pink haired boy gives him a menacing glare.
He thought the blue haired kid was scary but this one is terrifying.
"I will kill you." Akashi threatens while the man holds up his hands and backs away.

Tetsu puts his hand on his friend's shoulder. "We should go."
Finally the brother sighs but nods. "You're right Tetsu. I'll drive us."
"Don't you mean your driver will?"
The boy pauses then smiles slightly. "Yes you're right."
Once the boys are in the car Akashi directs the driver.
"Why was she crying?" Kuroko finally asks.
Seijuro tenses and clenches his fists. "I told her to end things with you."
"She's holding you back. And she needs someone to take care of her. You can't do that Tetsu. I realize you both are happy but after Teiko? After high school? Things will be different. You won't make it into the major leagues or anything. How could you provide for her?"

Kuroko sighs and looks out his window. "She said she wants to provide for me. She promised she'd get a good job and support my basketball career, however it turned out."
"And you accepted that? You think you guys can be happy like that?"
The blue haired boy laughs and smiles widely. "Of course. I love her."
Akashi looks at his friend confused and shocked.
"We're here master Akashi." The driver informs.
"Take Tetsu home. I'll text you when she wakes up." The heir orders then promises.
Before Kuroko can object the door is shut in his face.

After hours of surgery and recovery a nurse finally comes to get Seijuro.
"Visiting hours will be over soon Mr. Akashi." The nurse informs then closes the door.
Upon hearing the click the tears suddenly come.
They're slow and take turns falling down each cheek. He falls into the chair next to the bed and he punches his thighs.
"Dammit!" He yells and hunches over. "This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." He whispers then looks up at his sister.
All the tubes and monitors make him sick.
Her finger twitches at his sudden yelling.
"(N/n)," he whispers. Seijuro carefully holds his sister's hand.
She couldn't squeeze back and she didn't even open her eyes.
"Please wake up. I need you."
Flashes of his mother make him cry harder.
His begging goes unanswered.
Slowly he lays his head on her stomach, clenching the bedsheets and blanket.
"I love you." He whispers before passing out from exhaustion.

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