Loke Fairy Tail p1

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Jealous doesn't begin to explain what I feel.
I've known him since I was born.
He was mine first.
You can't take him from me.
Lucy Heartfelia.
Loke is mine!

I lean against a willow tree.
It's almost time for Loke to meet me. He has blown me off every time I ask him to hang out.
And it's always for Lucy.
His excuse is that they're saving the world.
That it's my fault for choosing bad dates.
I take a deep breath and wait.
And wait... and wait...

Three hours later my cheeks are tears stained; with make up running down as well.
I walk home clutching my purse. Once I get to my house I hear someone call my name.
Then it gets closer.
I look around and see Loke running toward me.
He yells my name. Once he reaches me he falls to his knees.
I look down at him annoyed but mentally worried.
"I'm so sorry. Lucy needed me. I had to save her life." He panted heavily.
"So if I was dangling off a cliff and Lucy was about to get stabbed would you save her over me? Cause I'm pretty sure you would. It seems you love her and I'm just a spec of dust beneath your feet that you walk over. I'm nothing to you." I walk inside my house and slam the door closed. I kick off my shoes and walk down the hall.
The door bursts open behind me and I knew it was the spirit.
"Darling what are you talking about? How could you ask me to choose?" He grabs my wrist and turns me to face him.
More tears stream down my face as he looks into my eyes.
"Darling why are you crying." He asks wiping the liquid away.
"You always choose her. I thought you were mine. I knew you first. I know everything about you, she doesn't. What makes her so much better than me? How could you choose Lucy over me?" I cry softly after I fall to my knees. I cry into the ground.

He just stands there wide eyed.
Finally he grabs me and pulls me into his chest. He pets my hair softly.
Without realizing it I was calming down.
When I fully calm down he does something unexpected.
He kisses me.
I kiss back and tangle my fingers in his hair.
He holds me close as we walk to my room, not breaking the kiss.

We fall onto my bed and he hovers over me.
Suddenly we're naked and blushing deeply.
He looks my body up and down but I cover myself. "What are you doing? Don't do that." He moves my hands and kisses me lightly.
I kiss back and moan when he begins massaging my breasts.
He moans softly and grinds against me.
I moan quietly.
Then he plunges himself inside me.
I cry out in pain. Since it's my first time it hurts even more.

He kisses me to keep me quieter. He thrusts slow but hard. Then he started going faster.
I grip the sheets and arch my back.
My breasts press against his chest.
He moves us so he's sitting and I'm in his lap. He goes deeper inside me.
I moan into his neck. I tug on his hair.
He leans down and takes my nipple into his mouth.
I gasp and blush deeply.
He thrusts harder and grips my hips, leaving marks in its place.
I bite my lip and he moves up to my neck.
He leaves dark marks making me blush more.
I moan in his ear and he moans back.

Without warning we both cum. We moan loudly.
I pant heavily as he pulls out.
He lays next to me and holds me close.
I curl into him.
"Darling I would choose you every time." He whispers in my ear, causing me to blush.

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