Yato and Yukine

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(Y/n) smiles softly at her plum haired friend. "Yaboku your hair is getting long."
"Should I cut it?"
"Of course not. I like it like this."
The god smiles and nods. "Then I'll keep it."
"Does mine look ok?"
"It looks gorgeous."
(Y/n) blushes and looks away. "Thanks."
The god runs his fingers through her hair before putting it up and adding a hair pin.

"Hey Yato, who is she?" Yukine asks, pointing at the (h/c).
"That's (Y/n). You probably haven't heard of her. She's a lesser known goddess."
Yukine blushes and Yato groans.
"Stop perving out Yukine. Ya know every time you do I get blighted."
"Whatever." The boy grumbles and walks over to the goddess.
(Y/n) smiles at him softly. "Hello Yukine."
"You know who I am?" He asks, blushing softly.
"Of course I do. You're Yaboku's new sword."
"Yeah. He'd be pretty useless without me huh?"
The woman laughs softly but nods. "Quite."

"(Y/n) stop indulging him! He's a perv and delinquent and he keeps blighting me whenever you're around."
"Have you tried sitting down and talking to him?"
"Of course I have. He won't listen. He's going through his rebellious phase and I'm scared where it's gonna lead us. He has a huge crush on you so please, try talking to him."
(Y/n) sighs but nods. "Fine. Only because I love you."
Yato smiles and kisses her cheek. "You're the best."

Yukine plays with the hat Hiyori gave him on the steps of the shrine he and Yato are staying at.
The goddess walks over and smiles. "Hey Yuki." She greets and sits next to him.
"Hi (Y/n)." He responds and smiles.
"Do you have a crush on me?" She asks bluntly.
"I love you." He rushes his confession then looks away.
"You do? Then why do you perv out so much? If you loved me you wouldn't hurt Yaboku who is important to me."
The blonde mumbles quietly.
"I love Yaboku and he loves you. We both want what's best for you. But we can't do that if you keep blighting him. If things go too far you both could die."

Yukine's eyes widen and he looks at her quickly.
Her frown makes his heart clench.
"I'm sorry." He mumbles and looks away again.
The woman puts her hand on his shoulder. "It's ok. But if you really want to show me how much you love me then you have to better yourself. No more illegal activities or naughty thoughts, nothing to hurt Yaboku."
"Why do you call him that instead of Yato?"
"Because that's his real name. He told me only I was allowed to call him that though."
Yuki frowns but nods in understanding. "Can I call you (n/n)?"
"Only if you promise to be better."
He nods quickly.
She kisses his cheek and smiles.

Yato walks over and smiles softly. "Hey it's my two favorite people. Is everything okay?"
(Y/n) looks at Yukine who nods slowly.
"I'm sorry." He whispers, unable to make eye contact.
The woman smiles at the god.
Yato smiles back and hugs them both.
Yukine grumbles but hugs back.
(Y/n) kisses their cheeks and holds them close.

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