Kojiro Nanjo

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(Y/n) paces the restaurant her brother owns, while he's running a quick errand.
The customers knew her well enough to leave her be and laugh quietly.
"How should I tell him? Should I be straightforward? Should I mention him and Karou's flirting?" She looks at the woman at the counter who is silently eating her pasta.
"Babe, we've been dating for a while. I'm sure he already knows."
"Ko doesn't know I'm into girls. He's too busy flirting with them to think about me liking them."
"He's your brother. It's not like he's gonna abandon you."
"You don't know that!"
"I do know that. That bi man loves you more than anything. Why else do you think he'd let you watch his precious restaurant while he's out?"

"Can I get my check?" One customer calls, holding up his hand.
(Y/n) looks at the man and smiles. "Coming!" She quickly grabs his check and sets it next to him. "Thank you for your patience. Come again soon."
He smiles and nods.
The girl sighs and walks back to her girlfriend. "Hima, what should I do?"
"Hey skatecake, come help me!" Kojiro calls, poking his head in from the back.
(Y/n) tenses but relaxes. "Can you watch the front?"
Hima nods and smiles. "Take your time."

(Y/n) walks over to her brother and helps him unload and put everything away.
The buff boi smiles and ruffles her hair. "Thanks again for watching this place for me."
"It's no problem. Everyone is always super nice."
"That's good. But you look kinda stressed out. You wanna talk about what's on your mind while we work?"
(Y/n) opens her mouth and sighs. "I have to tell you something really important. But I don't know what you're gonna say."
Kojiro frowns and turns to his sister. "A serious talk? Skatecake you don't have to be afraid of anything I'm gonna say. Just tell me everything."

"I'm lesbian!" She rushes then covers her mouth.
The chef is taken aback but smiles softly. "Were you really afraid I would care about something like that? You do know I'm bi right?"
"Well yeah! You and Karou are basically an old married couple, with kids. Then you flirt with women at the same time. But this is different. Hima and I have been dating for a long time. I love her and I don't want you to hate me because of it."
The green haired man hugs the girl tightly. "Do not ever think I could hate you. You are my sister, regardless of how you identify. I would never think less of you or think of you differently."

(Y/n) buries her face in his chest and cries quietly.
"I love you skatecake. That'll never change."
Eventually she calms down and sniffles.
"I love you too Ko."
He grabs her paper towel and lets her blow her nose. "Are you ready to get back to work?"
She smiles and nods. "Yeah!"

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