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"You could never make an adequate lover for me, not like Jeanne." Vanitas mumbles and looks away.
"Is it because she's a vampire? Can she do things I cannot?"
"Not exactly."
Hints of a blush paint his cheeks.
"Then wha... wait."
"Don't think about it. Just leave me alone, mon cheri."
"She drank your blood. You enjoyed it didn't you? Are you a masochist Vani-"
"Shut up! Never-"
Tears stream down her cheeks quickly.
His mouth closes and he immediately looks away.

"Why didn't you tell me?! I love you and I want nothing but your happiness. If all you wanted was for me to bite you I could've done so. I want to please you, Vanitas. Not telling me was unfair and set me up for failure."
"I don't want or need your love! I never asked for it. You pushed it on me."
(Y/n) walks over and grips his shoulder then tips his head.
"What are you-"
Before he can finish his question she bites his neck.
A sudden moan exits his lips and he quickly covers his mouth.
She draws blood then licks it up slowly.
Although she's not a vampire she didn't find the taste horrific.

Vanitas stutters her name as he begins undressing her.
(Y/n) begins with his jacket and shirt then finishes with his pants.
"D-do it again," he whispers.
She nods and bites the other side of his neck.
Once again she draws blood and licks it, slowly.
He groans quietly and tugs on her hair. "Mon cheri," he whispers.
"Let me do all the work mon amour." (Y/n) whispers back and gently lays him on his back.
"(Y/n) let me please you."
His face is flushed and his breathing is uneven.

"After I-
"No. At the same time." He cuts her off.
She blushes and looks at his body then her own. "Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have offered mon cheri. I want to hear your precious voice." He rubs her cheek gently with his thumb.
(Y/n) blushes but kisses him gently.
Vanitas kisses back while rubbing her hips. He slowly pulls her away and smiles softly.
It takes all her courage to position herself.
"(Y/n) are you ok?" The raven haired man asks quietly.
"I've never done anything like this before. It feels so indecent. Hovering my naked self above your face is-"
"It's the sexiest thing I've ever experienced, mon cheri."

(Y/n) blushes more and squeezes her eyes closed.
Before he can do anything she licks his tip.
A shiver runs down his spine.
She begins sucking slowly, trying to figure out what to do.
"Mon cheri, your mouth is so warm." Vanitas compliments and begins his own pleasing.
She blushes when she feels his tongue against her.
Her fists clench the bed sheets but she keeps taking him.
Vanitas moans against her, causing her to moan as well.

She stutters his name before taking him all the way down.
He blushes deeply but does his best to send her over the edge.
She gasps as she releases and he cleans her up.
Her blush deepens and she looks at him quickly.
Although her tears return.
"I-I'm sorry."
He looks at her confused.
"I-I couldn't make you release. I have failed at being a lover."
"Don't be sorry. I'm close to release. Once I am inside you I'm sure you will succeed in sending me over the edge."

(Y/n) flips herself so their faces are a foot away.
Vanitas cups her cheek gently. "Lay on your back (Y/n)."
The woman does as told and squeezes her thighs closed.
He looks into her eyes.
She looks away and pulls his body close to hers.
Her teeth graze his neck then she bites his collarbone.
He moans weakly and thrusts into her.
Her gasp echoes in his ear.
"V-Vanitas~" she moans softly.
The said man grips her hips and moves his back and forth.
(Y/n) arches her back but she bites his other clavicle.

His thrusts get harder and faster.
Her moans get louder.
Vanitas stutters her name while he thrusts deeper, hitting that special spot inside her.
She gasps and her eyes roll back.
He took that as a sign to keep abusing that spot.
Her breath is labored but he found her current state intoxicating.
Her flushed face, bared body and melodic moans drive him crazy.
He never thought he'd see this side of her nor did he think she'd be so willing to make him bleed.
Although Jeanne gave him the pleasure of sucking his blood (Y/n) did the second best thing and it felt just as good.
Not to mention their current actions are pushing him closer and closer to euphoria.
He could only hope he doesn't get addicted.

(Y/n) drags her nails down his back and her legs shake as she gets closer.
Vanitas holds her hip with one hand and cups her cheek with the other.
They kiss deeply and moan into the other's mouth.
As they reach climax the man thrusts harder and faster.
(Y/n) moans loudly as she cums.
Her back arches off the bed.
Soon Vanitas follows and stops fully inside her.
Her clenching around his length makes his mind go blank.

As they calm down and their breathing evens out, Vanitas pulls out and lays next to her.
Her head turns to him and he sees tears once again.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"Because I love you so much and I'm so happy I could finally please you."
He blushes and looks away.
"I know I can't suck your blood like Jeanne but I hope you liked it."
"You must be dense if you think I didn't." He mumbles quietly, unable to make eye contact.
(Y/n) blushes and smiles. She leans over and kisses him gently.
He slowly kisses back.

"Hey Vanitas, look at this cool..." Noé bursts into the room but blushes deeply seeing the two naked.
Vanitas throws the blanket over their bodies.
(Y/n) blushes and covers herself. "Hello misūre Noé."
"Mademoiselle (Y/n)," he mumbles.
"Noé, what could you possibly need to show me?" Vanitas growls, teeth clenches.
"I guess it can wait until you get cleaned up and dressed. Unless you are not finished..."
(Y/n) blushes and looks away. "We're finished, Noé."
"Get out you big oaf!" The younger male yells, throwing a pillow at his friend.
The vampire quickly closes the door.
(Y/n) looks at her lover and smiles. "Mon amour." She whispers and holds his hand.
He looks at their hands and smiles. "Je vous aimerai toujours."

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