Sherlock Holmes? P2

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"Sherlock, why are you pacing this time?" John asks, walking over and smiling softly.
"She said soon but soon has come and gone. Is she angry or busy? If so, why didn't she send a telegram?" The detective mumbles to himself.
"Are you talking about (Y/n)? It has been a while since she last visited. Did you do something to upset her?"
"No. We had a pleasant time. She reminds me of you a bit. Always hanging on my explanations. She is strong and has a willingness to learn that you don't find around here."
John looks at his friend for a moment before he chuckles quietly.
"Why do you laugh?"
"Sherlock, I know you've expressed how irrational romance is but... I think deep down you have feelings for (Y/n)."

This causes the detective to stop pacing and stare at his friend.
They have a staring contest for a while.
Finally John smiles and walks away.
Holmes watches him leave then shakes his head. "Ridiculous."
The room is silent and it's deafening.
Sherlock picks up his violin and starts playing.
He lets out his frustration through the instrument then sets it away.
"Lastrade, you better have a case for me real soon."
Thankfully for the detective the said man walks through the door into the parlor.
"Holmes, if you have some time I should wish for your assistance."

As the weeks went by (Y/n) wasn't as lively as usual but she tried to hide it for the Moriarty family.
Obviously William saw through it.
"It's been a few weeks now." He whispers rubbing her shoulders.
She looks up from her book and smiles softly. "I don't know what you're talking-"
"I know how you feel. I've spoken to him only a handful of times. I look forward to the next. I can only imagine how it would feel for you though."
"William, you have your reasons to distance us. Albert and Louis are worried. I'm a woman after all. I could let something slip."
"It's not because you're a woman. If anything I trust you more than Fred and Moran."
"What about Bond?"
"Bond doesn't count obviously." William responds then laughs softly.

"Why don't you and I go to the market and look around?" William offers, holds her hands and stands her up.
(Y/n) smiles and nods. "I would like that."
He links her arm with his and kisses her temple.
They ride into town and look around.
(Y/n) smiles softly. "It's a beautiful day."
"It is."
"Maybe I should find something to give Al and Lou."
"I'm sure they'd like that."
(Y/n) looks around while William follows.
Sherly, she's fallen for you. Have you noticed? I wish I could tell her her feelings won't go anywhere. Or maybe he he wouldn't. Both you and I know romance is illogical. Maybe spending time together isn't a bad thing.

"William, if you want the grapefruit all you have to do is ask." (Y/n) comments and laughs softly.
William realizes he was spacing out and smiles softly. "I do apologize. I am not very fond of grapefruit. I was just spacing out." The blonde bows slightly to the woman selling the fruit.
The (h/c) shakes her head and rubs his back. "I thought your shyness was showing."
"What shyness?"
"Albert told everyone at the tea party about how shy all of you are. I'm surprised anyone believed it. You two are naturally friendly and converse plenty at parties."
He nods slowly and rubs the back of his neck. "Well despite that we don't care for socializing much."

(Y/n) hums quietly as they walk down the road.
William puts his hand on her back and looks at her. "I just remembered something. If you'll wait around here I need to stop at the shop on the corner."
"Oh of course. I'll just window shop while I wait."
He laughs softly and walks away.
(Y/n) turns and begins looking in the windows.
Sherlock sighs as he walks home from another case.
His eyes wander while he rubs his nape.
The (h/c) woman catches his attention.
"Well I'll be damned." He jogs over and puts his hand on her back.

(Y/n) looks at the man quickly. "Mr. Holmes!"
"(Y/n) it's been so long. Where have you been?"
"I-I-I was busy." She stutters and blushes.
"Oh perfect, I figured as much. You should've sent me a telegram if you were not going to show for so long. Have you finally time free since you are here?"
"I thought some fresh air would do me some good."
"I nearly began to think you were avoiding me. Then I realized how illogical that would be."
(Y/n) laughs nervously and looks away.

"Oh and get this, John tried to put it in my head that I had romantic feelings toward you. You'd think after spending so much time with me that he'd know I don't do romance."
(Y/n) frowns but nods. "Yes of course."
"I enjoy your company and your willingness to learn. You're head-strong and loyal and pretty. But none of that is said because I... have feelings. Right?"
The woman looks up into his eyes. "I don't know Sherlock. I can't tell you what you feel."
Just as William returns he stops in his tracks.
Sherlock cups (Y/n)'s face and slowly kisses her.
She kisses back slowly, gripping his jacket.

The two pull away and Sherlock looks away.
"I don't think this is a large enough sample size to know whether these feelings are romantic or if I want to kiss you again."
"If you wish I could visit again and we can find out."
"Will you actually visit or will it be like last time?"
"I promise I will come over whenever you want, and it doesn't conflict with my schedule."
The two smile and nod.
"Have a nice day (Y/n)."
"You too Sherlock."

William waits a few moments after the detective leaves to walk over. "I hope I didn't make you wait too long."
"It's perfectly ok. Are we ready to go home?"
"You have your gifts for Albert and Louis? I think we are."
(Y/n) smiles and walks back toward the carriage.
So they want to sneak around. I can keep it a secret until she confesses. I don't know how it will go over but I'm sure they can be happy. And if something were to happen I can deal with it then.
The woman laughs softly. "Will, you're spacing out again."
"I apologize." He whispers then smiles softly.

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