Mori and Honey

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(Y/n) walks into music room 3 and is immediately greeted by the host club.
"Welcome handsome gentleman can I offer-"
"Hey Takashi, are you ready to go?" (Y/n) cuts off the princely type and walks over to the tall, stoic type.
The said man nods and smiles. "Yeah. I already told Kyoya I was leaving."
"Wait Takashi, where are you going?" Honey asks. "And who is he?" He adds pointing to the (h/c).
"I'm his boyfriend, (Y/n)."
"Boyfriend?!" Everyone except Kyoya exclaims.
"Since when have you had a boyfriend Takashi? And why didn't you tell me?" Honey pouts, crossing his arms.
"We've been dating for four months?" (Y/n) responds then looks up at Mori.
"Five months as of last week." Mori corrects and smiles.
(Y/n) smiles back and holds his boyfriend's hand.

"You can't leave Mori." Tamaki and Honey complain in unison.
"I already worked things out with Kyoya. Once a week and weekends I have off so I can spend time with (Y/n)."
"Mommy why didn't you talk this over with me?" Tamaki whines.
"Stop calling me that for one. And another thing, I don't always need to run things by you Tamaki. Things will work out perfectly like this."
Haruhi and (Y/n) watch the raven haired boy push up his glasses and write something in his notebook.
"We better get going if we don't wanna be late." Mori mumbles and leads (Y/n) out of the music room.
(Y/n) smiles and leans his head against his boyfriend's arm.

"I was really nervous about telling them."
"Why?" Mori asks and looks down at (Y/n).
"Because I'm a guy. You're all used to flirting and servicing girls. So I was expecting more..."
"You thought they'd be more hateful."
"Yeah. I was waiting for hurtful comments and homophobic slurs."
"Nah. They're good people. They aren't like that."
(Y/n) glances behind them after hearing a noise but doesn't see anyone. He sighs and turns back.
Mori kisses his cheek and smiles softly.
Around the corner Honey pouts and squeezes Usa-Chan.
"He's supposed to only play with me. No fair he's got a boyfriend." The blonde grumbles and keeps following the couple from a distance.

As the day comes to an end Mori sighs and stop in his tracks.
"Mitsukuni, why are you following us?"
(Y/n) frowns and watches as the blonde walks over.
"You caught me. How long have you known?"
"The whole time. Why did you do it?"
"I knew I heard something." (Y/n) exclaims and squeezes his boyfriend's hand.
"I followed you because-"
"Were you upset because you think I'm taking him away from you? You don't have to be jealous, senpai." (Y/n) assures and smiles softly.
"Of course you're taking him away from me. You're spending your time with him and keeping it a secret from me. Next thing I know you're getting married and having babies and...and..."
Both partners frown as Honey sniffles and wipes his face with his sleeve.

Mori walks over and puts his hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Mitsukuni, I'm not leaving you for him. And we can't have babies."
"Unless we adopt," (Y/n) interrupts.
Honey cries more. "See?!"
"That won't happen for a long time. And just because I wanna spend time with him doesn't mean I hate you or like you less. I just need to manage my time more now. So I can spend enough time with both of you."
"So you aren't gonna stop hanging out with me?"
"Of course not." Mori confirms with a stoic expression.
"He loves you senpai. He wouldn't sabotage your friendship for anything. Especially not me. But maybe the three of us could hang out sometime. That would be fun."
"Yeah! That sounds like a lot of fun."
"So can you support our relationship?"
"Hm...? Yeah, I can." Honey smiles widely and hugs (Y/n).

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