Buddy Daddies

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"I think we should get a babysitter that doesn't ask questions and works for cheap." Rei mumbles as he collects intel.
"Good luck finding one. Most of the girls I found were asking a lot and I don't trust Miri with any men," Kazuki responds.
"She's such a pain Kazuki. Why did you keep her? And especially when you said I couldn't keep the cat."
"Enough with the cat Rei. And she doesn't have anywhere else to go."
"The authorities-"
"Dammit, I've got that job. I'll be back later."
"Bring home dinner." The raven haired shut-in calls.
"Bye papa Kazuki!" Miri yells and waves.
The blonde rolls his eyes and leaves.
Mumbling continues all the way to his car.
Although he forgets all about dinner when the mission goes sideways.

Kazuki is about to pull his trigger when he sees a woman holding her son and crying.
The gas is pouring out of the vehicle but they would get killed by the explosion.
Flashback flood his mind and he panics.
"Yuzuko get outta here!" He yells, running to the woman.
She looks at him quickly, eyes wide with horror.
The bad guy smirks and shoots the gas himself.
Kazuki screams as he grabs the woman and child, pulling them away just in time.

Tears stream down Kazuki's face as he looks over the two for injuries.
"Are you ok? Are you hurt?"
The woman looks at the blonde then her son. "Are you ok Luca?" She asks quietly, trying to hold back her own tears now.
The little boy sniffles but nods. "I'm ok."
"Come with me ok? I'll get you somewhere safe."
The woman takes his outstretched hand and holds her son to her chest. "Who is Yuzuko? You yelled that name instead of mine."
The assassin tenses but looks at the boy. "My late wife." He mumbles and looks away.
"Do I resemble her?"
"No, but she and our unborn baby were killed in an explosion."
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. My husband was murdered by Ryo Ogino. He had the nerve to introduce himself then tell me what my husband's last words were."

Kazuki looks at her quickly when he recognizes that name. "I'm sorry for your loss."
"My name is (Y/n) by the way. Sorry I didn't say sooner."
"Kazuki," he mumbles.
(Y/n) smiles and rubs Luca's back. "Where are you taking us?"
"Well we've been through an ordeal so I think dinner is in order."
"Oh but sir you've just rescued my son and I! I couldn't ask you to buy us dinner as well."
"Then it's a good thing you didn't ask. It will help clear my mind of my wife. I was probably just as scared as you were."
The woman frowns but nods.

Once they reach Kyu's place he lets her walk in first then looks at the man behind the counter.
The said man looks at the three then stays on the blonde. "Welcome. What can I get you?"
"Get whatever you want ok?" Kazuki sets the woman and boy at a table and hands them menus.
Kyu gives Kazuki a stern look and crosses his arms. "What the hell happened?"
"He blew himself up. But I had flashbacks of Yuzuko and I had to save them."
The glasses man sighs and pushes up said glasses.
"Her husband was killed by Ogino." Kazuki adds and Ryu looks at him quickly.

"I'm ready to order Kazuki. Is that ok?" (Y/n) asks quietly.
"Yes of course. What can I get you?" Ryu asks instead.
The woman smiles at Luca then orders their food.
"Great choice." Kazuki compliments then sits across from her.
"I wish I could pay you back. But I'm in between jobs and with it just being us two it's been hard. Luca is still young and I can't bring him to work."
"So you like children?"
"Oh I love children. I wanted to be a teacher or caretaker but things didn't work out for me."
"Can you work for cheap?"
(Y/n) looks at him confused. "I guess if it supports Luca and I, why?"

"I'm looking for a babysitter for my daughter Miri. I have work but I can't leave Miri home alone. Everything is either sketchy or out of my price range."
"She and Luca could be friends. Would it be possible to live with you? Until we can find our own place?"
"Oh um... it'll be a tight fit but I'm sure we could make something work. Oh I probably should mention my friend is the actual owner of our apartment. We live together and co-parent Miri. Although it's more like I take care of both of them."
(Y/n) laughs softly but nods. "That sounds like fun. Your place must be lively. Where do you work?"

Before Kazuki can stumble for an answer Kyu calls his name.
The blonde gets up and helps bring over their food.
"I hope you enjoy." Ryu bows then drags Kazuki to the bar so they can talk.
"I'm really sorry I messed this job up. I panicked and I couldn't let it happen a second time."
"I got that part Kazuki. I probably would have saved her too. But I need to know this won't interfere with different jobs. That she won't be a distraction."
"Of course not. We've made a uh... we made an arrangement."
"What kind of arrangement?"
"Don't worry your pretty brain about it Kyu. Everything is gonna be ok. Oh and Rei should be finished with intel soon. He was finishing up when I left."

"Thank you so much for the meal sir." (Y/n) bows to the shop owner then leaves with Kazuki.
He leads her back to the apartment and lets her go in first.
"I said bring home dinner, not a woman." Rei scolds and crosses his arms.
"Rei, be nice. This is our new babysitter."
"A babysitter?" Miri asks quickly.
"Is this Miri? She's adorable." (Y/n) ruffles the girl's hair.
"Who is he?" Miri asks, pointing at the boy.
"My son Luca. I hope you two can be friends. He's just a year younger than you."
"What the hell is going on Kazuki?" Rei mumbles.

Once Kazuki finishes explaining Rei's face is complete horror.
"They can't live here! There's no room."
"Miri and Luca can share a room and (Y/n) can use your bed since you don't."
"I have things in there I don't want people seeing?"
"Like your gun papa Rei?" Miri asks happily.
"A gun?" (Y/n) inquires quickly.
"For protection of course!" The blonde quickly clearifies.
"Oh. Ok. And Sir I don't snoop. You're generous enough to let us live here, I wouldn't dream of upsetting you. If you don't mind I would just sleep in the room, nothing more."
"Papa Rei, please let her stay!" Miri pulls on his shirt while the man groans and internally cries.
"Fine. But don't touch any of my things and when you're in my room don't snoop."

"Maybe if papa Rei doesn't want her in his room she could sleep with papa Kazuki," Miri offers.
Both (Y/n) and Kazuki blush at the offer.
"Miri, I think it would be best if she slept in papa Rei's room. That way if Luca wants to sleep with her they have enough room."
"Just don't let him touch anything," Rei mumbles.
"I think she gets the point, Rei. No touching."
"I think this is a bad idea."
"She almost just died, Rei. I owe her a place to sleep and a job. Plus you were the one who said we should get a babysitter."
The raven haired man's expression turns tired and his stomach growls.
"I'll make you something to eat." (Y/n) sets Luca down and walks to the kitchen.
"I'll help." Kazuki follows and smiles softly.

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