Mycroft Holmes

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The government personified.
That's what Sherlock calls his brother.
And for the life of him he can't understand why (Y/n) married Mycroft.
They're obviously happy together and it makes the detective sick but also happy for them.
Unfortunately being married to someone so highly ranked is bound to bring misfortune at some point.
That point is now.

Mycroft came home to find the place a mess.
Normally it is tidy and everything is in order.
Both man and wife prefer it that way.
The tall man searches the whole house but finds it empty. He was so frantic he nearly bumped his head on one of the shorter door frames.
Although he does find a note left behind.
"Bring documents GY5370 to Rochester bridge. No later than half past 23. If you don't, I burn her."
"GY5370?" Mycroft thinks about what those papers pertain to.
For the life of him he couldn't think, all he could think about is his wife.
"Burn her?" He whispers and clenches his fists.

Mycroft quickly rides to the palace and begins his search for the said documents.
Eventually something clicks and he pauses.
His hand lifts and the cursed papers are before him.
"Gregor Yield." The name is dripping with venom.
The raven haired man puts the papers in a case and leaves for the designated location.
On the way he prepares his revolver and pistol. He also reads the papers.
Once they arrive he instructs the driver to wait until he returns.

Mycroft walks to the bridge slowly, looking everywhere, but remains stoic.
"You're early, as I knew you would be." An unfamiliar voice booms in front of him.
The echo under the bridge causes the woman to look around.
Her eyes meet her husband's and all he sees is pure terror.
He didn't want to know what she's been through since she was kidnapped.

Her mouth is gagged with a rag, her arms and legs are bound with rope and he knew they were expert ties.
Military trained.
Also given away when he said 23 instead of 11.
"Give her to me."
"Burn the papers." The man orders.
"Then I burn her." He pulls out a matchbox and shakes it.
The woman backs away quickly, her eyes widening.
Before she gets too far her kidnapper grabs her hair tightly.

"If you wanted them burned so badly why not sneak in and grab them yourself?" Mycroft asks.
"If you're stalling you are trying my patience. Burn them now."
Mycroft looks at his wife.
She looks between him and the man next to her. She quickly nods and gets as far from him as possible.
The husband grabs his revolver and shoots the man's hand before he could react.

"AH!" He yells and grabs his bleeding hand, dropping the matchbox in the process.
Mycroft sweeps the man with his leg and he falls to the ground.
There is a struggle and the woman could only watch in horror as her husband gets beaten.
Thankfully for her nerves he comes out victorious.
Unfortunately the kidnapper doesn't come out with his life.
The agent wanted to take him alive but fate would not have it.

(Y/n) pulls on her restraints but only succeeds in making herself bleed.
Mycroft rushes over and unties his wife.
First her legs and arms then her mouth.
She cries into his chest and he holds her close.
"I'm so sorry this happened darling. Did he hurt you?"
She doesn't answer but buries her face in his chest.
He holds her close and kisses her forehead gently.
Eventually the agent takes the man to the yard to deal with then takes his wife home.

(Y/n) looks around the mess as she walks to the bedroom.
Mycroft grabs her hand gently.
She looks at her husband quickly.
"How about tonight we stay with Sherly? Tomorrow I will have a maid clean up." He offers and she manages a small smile.
"I would like that." She whispers and squeezes his hand.
Mycroft nods and takes her to his brother's flat.

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