Twilight (Spy x Family)

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The agent is at his wits end with this mission and he really wants to give up.
It's for a greater good Twilight.
He keeps reminding himself every day.
But today he really needed a walk to cool himself off.
As he is walking down the street he hears crying in an alley.
His feet stop and he looks down the dark path.
No one catches his attention but he definitely hears crying.
The logical part of his brain told him to ignore it and go back home.
Unfortunately the emotional part won and he looks for the source of the crying.
Next to a dumpster is a young teenager who is beaten and bruised and bloody.
The blonde's eyes widen and he kneels down quickly. "Are you ok?"

The child looks up quickly and backs into the wall. "Please don't hurt me." They beg weakly, trying to cover their face.
"I won't hurt you. What happened?" He asks and gently puts their arms down to get a better look.
"I-I'm a freak of nature. I was b-born a boy but I'm a girl now. My father beat me and threw me out. I just wish I was dead." The (h/c) cries into their knees.
Twilight immediately hugs them and rubs their back. "You aren't a freak and you shouldn't wish to be dead. You have a lot to live for, I promise. What's your name?"
"(Y/n)." They whisper and sniffle, looking up at his face.

"How old are you?"
"I'm 13."
"So young," he mumbles. "Well you shouldn't stay out here. It's dangerous and chilly."
"I can't go back there! Please don't make me, please!" (Y/n) begs and grips his jacket. They bury their face in his chest and cry again.
Twilight sighs and rubs their back. "Ok I won't. I..." He trails off and contemplates his options.
On one hand he really should turn them over to child services but it's so late and the child is trembling.
He can't help thinking about himself when he was a child.
So once again the emotional part of his brain takes over.

"Why don't you stay with me? I've got a warm bed you can sleep in. I work a lot but I'm sure you'll be fine on your own when you're not at school."
"I-I don't go to school anymore. My father took me out as a punishment."
"Then I'm re-enrolling you. New school, new friends. You can be a girl there and you can be your true self."
(Y/n) smiles and squeezes his hand. "You would do that for me?"
"Lots of paperwork and I'm sure my boss will have words with me but it's worth it. Children shouldn't cry or be abused by their family. So from now on I'll be your family."
(Y/n) cries softly and hugs him again.

The agent takes (Y/n) back to his apartment and shows them around.
Nothing fancy but will fit the two nicely.
He hands the child a change of clothes then calls his boss while they're in the bathroom.
Obviously she didn't like it but she knew once he put his mind to this there's no stopping him.
She sympathizes with the cause and agrees to work things out so long as he keeps doing his job to the fullest.
He responds sternly that he would.
Once (Y/n) comes out, looking clean but still bruised, Twilight smiles softly.

"So do you use feminine pronouns and clothes?"
(Y/n) sits on the couch next to the blonde. "I use she/they pronouns. I dress mostly feminine. I like makeup and nail polish. Unfortunately I haven't gotten any surgery so physically I'm still male."
"I understand. From now on I will address you as my daughter, (Y/n)."
Tears once again well in their eyes and they cover their face.
Twilight frowns and rubs their back. "It's ok. You're safe now."
"Thank you so much. I don't know if I could ever repay you. You're a godsend." They bow and squeeze his hand.
"Don't worry about it. Just make sure to keep your grades up and do your best. I will always support you and be here if you need to talk. Be honest with me 100% ok?"
(Y/n) sniffles and nods. "Ok."

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