Gray Fullbuster p2

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Gray's pov

She's been avoiding me a lot recently. She will hardly look my way. She's always with Erza and Natsu, which makes me really jealous.
Why won't she talk to me?
She won't even let me sleepover at her place.
But come to find out Erza and Natsu are over there every night.
Finally after months I'm gonna get answers. I knew the perfect plan that always works.

Your pov

Ever since I found out I was pregnant I began freaking out about what Gray will say.
Erza and Natsu have been helping me a lot lately. They've been helping me set up the nursery in the extra bedroom.
I noticed Juvia was getting closer and closer to Gray and it made me really jealous.
Erza assured me he would never leave me.
Natsu said Gray would take care of me and the baby until the day he died.
Although the final straw was when I saw Gray and Juvia acting like an actual couple.

His arm was wrapped around her waist and bright smiles on both their faces.
And they're in the guild hall!
Tears water my eyes as I walk over to them.
Gray turns to me but my hand comes in contact with his cheek, sending his head the other direction. "What the hell was that for? You ignore me for months and you decide to slap me!" He yells and slaps me as well.
I fall to the floor and cradle my baby bump.
"Gray!" Erza and Natsu yell in unison rushing to my side.
This catches everyone's attention in the guild.

"Do you think I haven't noticed how much time you send with Erza and Natsu? Are you leaving me for Natsu? Trying to get Erza on your side so it's easier to leave me? Are you jealous because I care about a girl that's not you?" Gray hovers over the three of us and yells as more tears stream down my cheeks.
I protect my middle as Natsu rubs my belly.
"Are you pregnant? Is it his baby? Is that why you're leaving me for him?" Gray asks and crosses his arms.
I stumble trying to stand up.

Erza lets me lean against her as I stand up.
"They've been helping me because I was scared what you would say when I told you THIS BABY IS YOURS!" I gradually get louder and louder.
Gray's mouth closes quickly and his eyes widen. "What?"
"Get the water out of your ears ice pixie!" Natsu yells glaring at Juvia then Gray. "She's having your baby. She's not leaving you for me."
Gray stares at me as I turn my gaze downward.
I hide my face in Erza's chest and cry softly.
Erza rubs my back and glares at Gray. "After all you've put her through you dare accuse her of such a thing."

Gray quickly makes his way over to me and hugs me quickly.
I was shocked to say the least.
His grip on my shirt tightens and he growls. "How stupid can I be?" He whispers and pulls away to look into my eyes. "Please. Please darling. Forgive me." He begs and sniffles.
I cup his cheek and kiss his forehead.
"I love you so much," he whispers.
"I love you more," I respond.
He cups my cheek and kisses me softly.
When I pull away we pant quietly.
"So we're having a baby." Gray states and smiles widely.
I giggle and nod.

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