Generation of Miracles

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All six boys are different, but one thing they all have in common: (Y/n).
They all harbor feelings toward the (h/c) woman.
None of them act on the feelings though, focusing fully on their basketball.
Although it was difficult to practice when the woman showed up to practice nearly every day.
(Y/n) loved coming to watch and support the boys. She didn't actually care for the sport in general but she loves the players. She knows the boys like the back of her hand.
Everything except their feelings for her.
She knows what they want in a partner but it didn't occur to her that she fit the bill.
Tall, elegant, older, large breasts and she would never dream of holding any of them back. (😉)

As the team gained confidence from their many wins at Teiko and as their middle school careers were coming to a close the players knew they needed to act fast.
Kise was first to make a move. He invited her to a photo shoot.
Something simple and not too obvious.
They both had lots of fun and the photographer offered her a job but she respectfully declined.
Daiki sees her in the magazine with Kise and clenches his fists. He couldn't help blushing though when he looks at what she's wearing.

This prompted him to act.
His date of choice was bug catching in the forest nearby.
Of course he was nervous she would be grossed out and decline, but to his pleasant surprise she agrees.
They wander between the trees for a while, having a great time.
As sunset was drawing closer (Y/n) couldn't help pulling a prank on him.
He was a few feet in front of her, his back turned, looking around still.
(Y/n) manages to get a bee to land in her palm.
"Hey (n/n) I..."
She shoves the bee in his face, cutting him off.
Her laugh echoes in his ears but his girlish scream echoes in her's as he slaps the bee away and runs.
The (h/c) holds her hand while watching him leave her.

Since he wasn't coming back she sighs and makes her way back to the street.
As she walks toward her house she hears a honk.
The back window of a fancy car rolls down and reveals Akashi.
"(Y/n), would you care to join me for dinner?"
The woman smiles and nods.
As they drive toward the restaurant the boy couldn't help a small blush when he sees the sun bathe her skin in golden light.
He loves how graceful she can be and how mature.
It's something he values and finds it rare among those around him.

The two enjoy a nice dinner, his treat, at the quiet restaurant he frequents.
Afterward, Akashi drives her home, of course opening her door for her.
He kisses her cheek before getting back in the car and driving away.

When Midorima finally got the courage to ask (Y/n) to hang out she agreed immediately.
Upon entering his room she takes notice of the classical music playing quietly.
"Will you teach me shogi, Shintaro? Or maybe you'd rather tell me about my astrology fortune."
The green haired boy smiles softly and nods. "Everyone always finds issue with my lucky items but it's very real."
"I believe you Shintaro. Bad things happen without them."

The two first look over her sign.
"It's a good day for (sign). Your lucky item is-"
Her giggle cuts him off.
"I just so happen to have one in my bag."
His smile grows.
"That's extremely lucky. Now let's see if it translates to our game of shogi."
Due to her being a fast learner they lose track of time playing countless rounds.
He managed to win two games.

His obvious frustration over losing made her smile.
"Maybe you should stick to 3 pointers." She teases and laughs softly.
"Don't be so cocky, rookie. I would wager you'd lose if you were playing Akashi."
"Oh that sounds like fun. I'm sure Sei would agree if I asked nicely."
"Oh wow! I didn't realize what time it is. I'll walk you home."
She opens to her mouth to object but her phone dings. (Y/n) looks at the text and frowns.
"What's wrong?" Midorima asks, concerned.
"It's Tetsuya." She grabs her things and puts on her shoes. "Thank you so much for today. Let's do it again soon."
Before he can accept she runs out.

"Tetsuya what's wrong?!" She yells, running over and hunches over.
"Did you run here?" The boy inquires.
"Of course I did. Your text said it was urgent." The woman responds and gets her breathing back to normal.
"Oh I wanted your help with my new move before it got too late. We have school in the morning."
(Y/n) sighs in relief and smiles. "Of course I'll help you. I'm honored you asked me to help. You could've asked Daiki or Ryo."
"I also just wanted to spend time with you alone."
The (h/c) smiles and grabs the ball off the ground. "I'm glad I get VIP treatment."
Kuroko grabs the ball and dribbles.

After he shows her, her eyes widen.
"Tetsuya, that's amazing!" She praises and hugs him.
He smiles and pulls away. "I hope it'll be enough for Akashi's approval."
"It's perfect Tetsuya. He'll find it very useful in defeating your opponents."
"I'm glad you think so."
"Now if only you could make a basket," she jokes.
"I don't really need to make baskets. That's what the others are for. My focus should stay on passing."
(Y/n) sighs, smiling sadly. "If that's what you want Tetsuya. But I think you should find a team who actually uses teamwork. Your skills rely on a partner, your light. But imagine the possibilities if you had a whole team. Four lights to make your shadow stronger."
The blue haired boy's eyes widen and they glimmer in the moonlight.
"Think it over Tetsuya. Good night." She kisses his cheek then leaves.

A couple days later Atsushi invites (Y/n) to a sweets shop he frequents, but she's never been to.
At the mention of sweets her response was a rapid yes.
"Wow (Y/n)-chin that's a cute dress."
"Thanks Atsu. I'm really excited to try these desserts."
"I can vouch for them. They're great."
He opens the door for her and she walks in.
Immediately her eyes glimmer at the colorful scenery.
"They all look so yummy. What should I get?"
"I think you'd like this." The purple haired giant responds, pointing to the most colorful thing in the shop.
The woman laughs and nods.
Her laugh makes him smile.
He orders for them while (Y/n) picks out a booth.

Once he sits across from her he gives her the plate and fork.
"Enjoy," he whispers.
After one bite she looks at her friend quickly and puts her hand on his.
"It's the best I've ever had."
Murasakibara looks away, hiding a blush but nods. "I'm glad. Maybe we can come back and I'll get you something else to try."
"I'd really like that." (Y/n) agrees and goes back to her dessert. "Although I might need to take up basketball if I'm gonna indulge in eating so many sweets."
He laughs quietly at her joke.

When they finish he walks her home.
"Thanks again for this Atsu. I'm sorry we couldn't hangout longer."
"I understand. Babysitting comes first. I wouldn't understand completely 'cause I'm the youngest."
"Four older siblings must be nice for you. I'm sure your parents baby you."
He shrugs with his usual bored expression. "Anyways, have a nice night. See ya tomorrow."
"Bye Atsu."

The Miracles wished they could stay together with her, but everything changed.
When Kuroko realized (Y/n) was right.
The riff between everyone grew until finally they all decided to go to different high schools.

After practice, and everyone but the Miracles had gone, Akashi slapped (Y/n).
Everyone was caught off guard, especially the said woman.
"Tetsu told me what you said. What right do you have to interfere?"
(Y/n) holds her cheek.
"Akashi what the hell?" Daiki yells.
The pink haired boy looks between his friends.
They remain silent under his terrifying gaze.
"I'm sorry Sei." She finally whispers. "I guess I've just become a nuisance to you all. I won't bother any of you again."
Before anyone can speak she runs away.
That was the last time any of them saw (Y/n).

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