Big Sister Moriarty Ending 2

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(Y/n) smiles at her brothers. "I can see you've grown since last I saw you. I hear they're calling you William now as well. You three are putting on quite the ruse."
"Please save your breath. You're sick," Louis pleads.
"Who did this to you?" William asks angrily.
The girl lifts his face and looks into his eyes. "It's not what you think (Will's real name). I'm not sick. One of the noblemen got angry that I didn' don't need to know."
"Sister..." Lou whispers.
"I did this to myself. It was the only way to get enough money in a short time."

Albert comes back and smiles. "Lord Rockwell has agreed to let her stay. On the condition she work for him when she gets better."
"Of course. Lord Moriarty, I am forever grateful." (Y/n) sits up and goes to shake his hand but quickly pulls away and coughs.
William stands quickly and grabs her a cup of water. "Drink," he instructs.
The girl does as told and sets the cup on the table next to the chair.
"Sister, when we grow up I'll make sure you live a comfortable life. You'll never have to work again."
(Y/n) puts her hand on William's cheek.

As promised (Y/n) recovered and began working as a maid alongside Jack.
Not only that but once they purchased the manor in Durham William took her there to live.
(Y/n) laughs softly as she walks with William, whose hands are covering her eyes.
"Just a little further dear sister."
"William won't you at least tell me what kind of surprise this is? A place, a thing or a sight?"
"That would spoil the surprise." He responds and laughs quietly.
Albert and Louis follow and laugh as well.
"We can finally fulfill the promise we made to you sister." Albert offers but the clue didn't help.
"A promise?"

"We're here." William removes his hands and takes a step back.
(Y/n) looks at the manor and smiles.
"You will live here and you will never have to work again. Louis will look after the house and anything else you need. Albert and I will visit when we can."
"Your room is already full of your belongings and a few extra gifts from the three of us." Albert adds and chuckles quietly.
"You always give the best gifts Al." She pats his cheek then goes inside.

Louis links her arm with his.
(Y/n) smiles and looks at him. "Are you sure I can't-"
"Yes sister. You won't have to do any chores. Leave that to me." Louis cuts off his sister.
William puts his hand on her back gently. "(Y/n) I strive to purify this world. I wish for you to have a front row seat."
"(Will's real name)... I love you so much. Both of you. I'm sorry I couldn't give you this life sooner."
"You have done your part as older sister. Now let us pamper and take care of you. You deserve the world." Albert kisses her cheek and opens her bedroom door.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen as she sees the few items from lord Rockwell's accompanied by many more items.
Dresses, shoes, brushes and combs. Jewelry and makeup. Books and more books.
"Boys I..."
"We may have spoiled you a bit." Albert laughs softly as he looks through the dresses.
"I found some books you may enjoy and some you used to read Louis and I before bed."
"I will cherish them."
Tears stream down her cheeks.
"I really don't have words to express how I feel. I'm so grateful. I love you all so much."
"We love you too (Y/n)." William whispers before the four have a group hug.

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